VP6DX - Ducie Is.

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VP6DX - Ducie Is.

OdgovorNapisal/-a S55DX » 06 Jun 2007, 18:55

Kot kaže tudi v letu 2008 ne bo manjkalo užitkov za DXerje.

2008 Feb11 - 2008 Feb22 Ducie Island VP6DX.

By DL6LAU K3NA DL3DXX DL8LAS OH2BH WA6CDR K1LZ + others fm OC-182); 160-6m; 7 stations.

Več info na http://ducie2008.dl1mgb.com/.
73 de Milan, S 5 5 D X
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Re: VP6DX - Ducie Is.

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 04 Jan 2008, 19:08

S55DX napisal/-a:Kot kaže tudi v letu 2008 ne bo manjkalo užitkov za DXerje.

Vse po planu .... CUL Danilo, S50U

The final countdown for the VP6DX Ducie Island team (DL3DXX, DL6FBL, DL6LAU, DL8LAS, ES5TV, K3NA, N5IA, RA3AUU, SP3DOI, SP5XVY, SV1JG, UA3AB and WA6CDR) has started. The team expects to reach the island at the local sunrise on 9 February and to be QRV not earlier than the local night on the 11th. They plan to set up seven stations on two widely separated locations, with one 26m-tall vertical for 160m, five 4-Squares (80, 40 and 30m), five vertical dipole arrays (20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m) and one 5-element Yagi for 6m. Actual QRT time will be dictated by weather and sea forecasts; if conditions are good, operations will end on 28 February. QSL via DL6LAU, direct only (Carsten Esch, Drosselweg 3, 21376 Salzhausen, Germany). Bureau card requests will be accepted only through the Online QSL Request System, which can be used for direct cards as well (see www.vp6dx.com for full information on QSLling). All of the remaining QSOs will be confirmed automatically via the bureau after 8-12 months. "This is really quite a major serious expedition with a huge amount of hardware intended to make working 'everyone' possible", DL6LAU says. "We are doing all this to make a standout presence on the lowbands in particular, and all the bands in general. We are going to a major amount of effort to make simultaneous operation in the same band not only functional, but darn near perfect". Donations are still being sought: details on how to contribute, news, on-line logs and much more can be found at http://www.vp6dx.com
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S50CLX Cerkno LinuX dx cluster
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OdgovorNapisal/-a s54dx » 06 Jan 2008, 16:41

No še ena nova država za poklofat super.
73 Primož
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Pridružen: 25 Sep 2003, 15:44

OdgovorNapisal/-a S51AY » 01 Feb 2008, 09:01

Trenutno je tam blizu, iz Pitcairna aktiven VP6PR (JJ8DEN). A morda ve kdo, kje je njegov Online Log ? Ne morem ga najti... Hvala !
73 de Arpi-S51AY , HSC#1267, CTC#2268, EPC#3826, FH#1448, DMC#2139, 30MDG#3904, BDM#0288, TRC#005SLO, NDG#0851, HPC#451, ERC#0989
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Re: VP6DX - Ducie Is.

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 08 Feb 2008, 10:13

S50U napisal/-a:Vse po planu ....

Celo bolje jim gre od pričakovanega .... z delom na bandih naj bi začeli v nedeljo 10-tega. GL Danilo, S50U

News #12- 2008 Feb 7
The Braveheart left Mangareva in time. On their way to Ducie Island some operators of the VP6DX team is active as a /MM operation and produce good signals in North America and Europe. I just (Friday morning in Europe) got the message from Roger (WA6ZVP) that he had a QSO with Milt (N5IA). The Braveheart is about 100 miles away from Ducie Island. The team expects to arrive at the island at daybreak Friday. They are a day ahead of the nominal timeline so we expect them to be operational at Feb 10th. We would be delighted if DX editors would publish this information as widely as possible and DXers bring it to the attention of their clubs and fellow DXers.
Linux is like living in a teepee. No Windows, no Gates and an Apache in house!
S50CLX Cerkno LinuX dx cluster
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Pridružen: 07 Avg 2002, 23:05
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Re: VP6DX - Ducie Is.

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 14 Feb 2008, 15:25

S50U napisal/-a:Celo bolje jim gre od pričakovanega ....

Nekaj QSOs je že v njihovem log-online. V prvih 24 urah narejeno 17k QSO v dnevu in pol 28.000. Pričakovano ... dol so sami mojstri klofarije :D

News #14- 2008 Feb 13
I just had a telephone call with Carsten (DL6LAU) on Ducie Island. The reason we did not get any update or online log from the island is that they had no time until now because of a big workload to setup the stations and antennas. They plan to go "online" in the next 6-12 hours so we expect the first online logs around noon on Thursday. Please be aware that the data connection via Iridium is very sensible so it can last a long time to upload the online logs. After 1,5 days of operation they have now about 28,000 QSOs in the log (about 17,000 after the first 24 hours!). They already started RTTY operation on 20m with over 700 QSOs at the moment. In some days we expect also RTTY operation on 30m. Antenna construction is still in progress. Some antennas for 12m and 10m are missing. Today they are at the installation of the Beverage antennas for the low bands. All team members are in a good shape (except some sunburns) and they have a lot of fun. A problem is the extreme heat during the daywhich makes it nearly impossible for the night operators to sleep. Tomorrow we will get some more news from the island. Please stay tuned. We would be delighted if DX editors would publish this information as widely as possible and DXers bring it to the attention of their clubs and fellow DXers.
Linux is like living in a teepee. No Windows, no Gates and an Apache in house!
S50CLX Cerkno LinuX dx cluster
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Prispevkov: 557
Pridružen: 07 Avg 2002, 23:05
Kraj: Cíerkna

Re: VP6DX - Ducie Is.

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 15 Feb 2008, 22:12

VP6DX se bo v ARRL CW čez tale vikend oglašal vsem ... če bo mogoče prebiti USA pile seveda. :wink:

Operations from Ducie Island began at 5 UTC on 11 February, with a
little "cooking session" (1034 QSOs in four hours and a half) to check out
the stations and available antennas. Continuous operations began at 3 UTC on
12 February, with 10,000+ QSOs logged in the first 16 hours.
Please have a look at the frequency table on the website, as some of them
have been adjusted.
VP6DX will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest "in a limited fashion":
- Operators are likely to pick a frequency based on band conditions, so VP6DX
might not be found on the "normal" CW frequencies on 160, 80, 40, 20 15 and
10 metres
- They will answer ALL callers (USA/VE and others)
- They will not be chasing multipliers and will not be able to handle pass
- Operations on non-contest bands/band segments will continue as they have
the last few days: split operations, with priority to difficult propagation
The Online Log now contains 47,534 QSOs with 14,398 unique callsigns (latest
update 6.14 UTC on 15 February), and the first QSO Statistics based on the
log database are now available. It could happen that not all QSOs are in the
database, because of difficulties in transferring the data from the island to
the server.
Bookmark www.vp6dx.com for complete details and regular updates.
Linux is like living in a teepee. No Windows, no Gates and an Apache in house!
S50CLX Cerkno LinuX dx cluster
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 557
Pridružen: 07 Avg 2002, 23:05
Kraj: Cíerkna

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