BS7H + DX NEWS (na enem kupu)

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Moderator: S55DX

BS7H + DX NEWS (na enem kupu)

OdgovorNapisal/-a S58F » 07 Maj 2007, 20:15


Upam da mi ne bo "moderator" zameril ,ker mu hodim v zelje? :wink:
Prilagam sveže DX novice ki jih dobim iz

Na Dailydx news se lahko naročite in jih "prejemate" dva tedna brezplačno - potem se DX novice na žalost plača (..osebno so mi precej,precej.. bolše kot brezplačne na "425")

GL de S58F

DX News

Was that fun or what!? BS7H went QRT as scheduled at about 0001Z May
6, 2007, and were soon on the ship back to Hong Kong. BS7H made
somewhere around 45,000 QSOs. It was "record time," just two hours,
to dismantle things on Scarborough and get back aboard ship. The BS7H
team is expected to arrive in Hong Kong at midweek and the on-line
logs are expected to be available sometime around May 15th. At least
one team member will be at Dayton, where N6MZ, Mike Mraz, will give
the BS7H presentation in that Saturday afternoon's DX Forum. No QSL
cards are expected to be available at Dayton. 9V1YC, James Brooks,
will be working up one of his famous DXpedition videos that will
available later in the year. QSL BS7H via KU9C. U.S. stations should
be sure to have 41 cents postage on the return envelope. Steve often
gets requests for other stations he manages coming in the same
envelope. He advises that this will delay receipt of your BS7H QSL.
If you want you can put in a separate SASE for the other station.

I've heard various stories about guys going to some trouble to work,
or attempt to work, BS7H, including putting up new antennas just for
the purpose. W6JTI is one who qualifies as a "true blue DXer."
Before the expedition was announced he had already finalized his own
plans for a three-week trip to San Antonio, Texas to visit his mother,
at the same time as the expedition. So, he shipped his IC-735 and
related equipment and a two-element 20M Yagi on ahead to her home. He
put the Yagi up on a 35 foot Radio Shack TV mast purchased locally and
strung up a dipole below that. He got BS7H with that setup on both 40
and 20 CW. Says Frank, "My DXpedition to Texas is a success!" Frank
still needs four entities, Palestine, Montenegro, Yemen and North
Korea. He's worked 333 current entities with 100 watts.

TI6/K5YG and TI6/K9KEJ will be on what they call "Fishpedition II" May
14-18 in Costa Rica. See the May, 2007 QST, page 49 for the article
in their Fishpedition I. They will be on 40 and 20 SSB in the early
mornings and evenings before and after going fishing for giant tarpon,
"if we have enough strength to push the xmit button." Bill and Orren
will be at the Rio Parismina Lodge,

ZL2IFB, Gary, (aka G4IFB) will be vacationing with his wife on the
South Cook Islands, E51/S, May 24-28. He says, "This is a holiday
first and foremost, so I'll only be operating casually, mostly during
[the] WPX [contest]." He will have five watts from a K2 rig or 100
watts from a TS-850, depending on which will be within his airline
weight allowance. For antennas he'll have wires in the trees along
the shoreline. But, he says, it'll be a chance to scout locations for
future DXpedition trips. If and when he gets on during this trip
it'll be CW on 40 or 30M at his dawn and dusk. QSL via ZL2IFB or

HL7 is a new South Korean prefix that will be on for the first time
with HL7WR on for the 2007 World Rafting Championship, to be held in
Sangdong-Ri Inje June 27-July 2. The station has been on since March
30th and will go until July 2, 80-6M SSB, CW, FM and digital. QSL via
DS2UAL direct or bureau. For more info on the event, here's the web

OX/HB9FMD, Roland, will operate from Hotel Hvide Falk in Ilulissat,
Greenland August 17-27. He will concentrate on CW on 30, 17 and 12M.

W0CZE, Hank, plans to be on from YJ0, Vanuatu, July 13-21. QSL via

3D2RI, Alex, has put up a 160M antenna and will be on 160 looking for
QSOs. VK3EW, who spoke to him about it, thinks it's likely to be at
greyline times and any time between 0600Z and 1800Z, starting now. He
says Alex sounded really excited about it.

KE4YD, David, has been listening for the International Space Station,
"ISS," and their ham callsign, NA1SS. He heard them on 2M today
working a W6 station at 1658Z, but he says they were a little too far
north for him to be able to work.

KJ9I, Dave, says he doesn't expect BS7H-size pileups when he and NF9V,
Rudy, get on the air from VP2E, Anguilla and FS, St. Martin, during
the Dayton weekend, but they'll still have fun. First, VP2E, May 18-
20. Second, FS, May 22-23. They will be on HF and 2M EME. Dave will
have the callsigns VP2EDS and FS/KJ9I and Rudy will be VP2ERV and
FS/NF9V. So, if you have HF mobile at Dayton, work `em or fire up a
KWS-1 from the flea market for a QSO. QSL via their home calls,
direct or bureau, or LoTW.

TM1VDM will be a special French station May 14-28 for the 100th
anniversary of the birth of writer Maxence Van der Meersch, who lived
from 1907-1951. QSL via the bureau to F6KTN.

Six French radio clubs in the Association Mosellane de Radioamateurs
plan to be on the air from seven World War I forts that were part of
the "Maginot Line" defenses. This activity runs from 06Z May 18 until
12Z May 19th. QSL TM1LM via F8KGY, TM2LM via F6KAT, TM3LM via F6KFO,
TM4LM via F8KOI, TM5LM via F6KAT, TM6LM via F6KFT and TM7LM via F6KFH.
The LM suffixes, of course, stand for "Line Maginot."

French station TM6ACO will be on June 3-17, SSB and CW, to mark the Le
Mans grand prix automobile race. QSL via the bureau to F6KFI. More

II0VIS is a special Italian callsign for the "International Voluntary
Service for Development," May 26-27. Activity will be on 40 and 20
SSB and CW by ops IZ0DIB, IW0CGT, IZ0DKZ and IK0UXQ. QSL via IZ0DIB.
This one will be from the Italian Air Force "Open Day" at Pratica di
Mare in Rome.

ZY2P, Brazil, will be on through the end of this month for the Sao
Paolo visit May 9-13 of Pope Benedict XVI. QSL via PY2AA.

UE1CDX/P and RZ1CXO/p will be on from the Ustinskiy Lighthouse in
Russia May 12th. QSL via RN1CW direct or bureau.

EN62EN, Ukraine, will be on now through May 13th for the 62nd
anniversary of the end of World War II. QSL via UR4EYN.

RK6YYA/0 and RK6YYA/0/m will be on from 22 Russian Districts Award
areas in Yakutsk oblast June 13-7 July. RV6YZ and RU6CQ will be on
with various callsign stroke additions, /6/m, /4/m, /8/m, /9/m and
/0/m June 4-12 from 137 different RDA areas, as they drive from
Krasnodar to Neryungri. QSL via RX3RC direct or bureau. More info on
all this mobile operating in Russia and on this award can be found on

D2AS is the new Angolan callsign for SO5AS, Steve. He worked that out
on a recent trip and plans to go back to do some operating in the near


5H3EE - TANZANIA - Mike likes 160 just prior to 2300Z. QSL via

8Q7QQ - MALDIVES - 17 meter operators should look for Pierre on
CW and SSB between 05 and 15Z. QSL via HB9QQ.

9U0VB - BURUNDI - Vladimir continues to be active from 2200-
0100 on 40, 80 and 160 CW. QSL via UA4WHX.

A5 - BHUTAN - A52AM, A52EGV, A52K and A52VE are all QRV from
this semi-rare one.

BS7H - SCARBOROUGH REEF - RTTY ops from Japan, South Korea,
China, Hong Kong and Asiatic Russia reported working
the Chinese operators on RTTY on 21080 on Saturday
between 0300 and 0800Z. This may have been the only
RTTY activity from this super rare DXCC Entity.

YI1HRP - PIRATE - Don't waste your time and effort on this slim!


The following IOTA stations were active yesterday.

IOTA Call Freq. GMT IOTA Call Freq. GMT
------ ---------- ----- ---- ------ --------- ----- ----
AF-004 EC8ADW 18125 1655 EU-060 SV8EUV 14002 1835
AS-013 8Q7QQ 18142 1125 EU-123 MM/DH5JBR/P 14260 1350
AS-146 BD1DRJ/4 21005 0155 EU-127 DF6QC 10109 0340
EU-009 MM0EAX 7077 2135 EU-170 9A4A 14260 2035
EU-020 SM1ALH 18074 1115 NA-062 K2ZR/4 18082 2010
EU-025 IT9BYS 28475 1820 NA-065 K7RL 14248 0515
EU-029 OZ1BTE 18104 1520 NA-057 HQ9L 14216 0020
EU-031 IC8R 14278 2000 NA-105 FS5HL 14180 2150
EU-033 LA6LOA 14220 2035 OC-022 YB9/OK2DW 18070 1455
EU-036 LA7G/P 14165 2035 OC-189 3D2RI 7005 1525
EU-054 IF9A 14191 1655 SA-006 PJ2GT 14217 1910
EU-057 DL2DHS 10120 1725

Five Italian ops will operate 9A/homecall from the Croatian Brijuni
Islands, EU-110, May 11-13. The ops are IK4ALM, IK4XCL, IZ4DYQ,
IZ4HVM and IZ4HWA. They'll be on SSB and CW.

9A8DST will be on from Losinj Island, EU-136, May 17-24. The ops are
ON4CAQ, ON7KS, ON6VP, ON7FH, ON7UZ, ON8JP and ON6KN. They also hope
to get to the nearby island groups Male Srakane, EU-136 and Vele
Srakane, EU-136. QSL via ON4DST bureau or ON4AMM direct.

Every year DH5JBR, Joachim, goes to some Scottish islands. This is
his 26th year! He expected to start up yesterday as MM/DH5JBR/p from
Great Cumbrae, EU-123.

Scoglio delle Sirene, EU-025, is the QTH for IW9GUR/p, IW9HLM/p,
IW9HQP/p and IT9RKR/p May 19th. They will be on 40-10M SSB. QSL via
IW9HLM. The log will be on line at

IC8TO, Ischia Island, EU-031, will be on May 25-27 with nine Italian
operators. They will be on SSB, CW and RTTY, 160-15M and 6 and 2.
QSL via IZ1GCZ, bureau preferred.

JN6CJR/8 planned to be on HF and 6 from Okushiri Island, AS-147, May 4-
6. QSL to his home call bureau or direct.

OZ1RDP will be the callsign from Romo Island, EU-125, for some German
radio scouts May 26-29. They will be on SSB and CW, possibly digital,
160-10M. QSL via DL9BCP.

N4AUG will be in the IOTA Contest July 28-29 from Talbot Island, NA-
138. The operators will be W9QGB, W7GAM and other members of the St.
Augustine Amateur Radio Society. QSL via N4AUG.

II4SDP, Scanno di Piallazza Island, EU-155, will be on May 18-20. The
ops are IZ4FTE, IZ4GWE, IK4UNH and I4EWH. They ill be on 40 with a
vertical antenna, 20, 15 and 10 with a Spiderbeam and 6M with a 3-
element Yagi,
CW and SSB. QSL via IZ4GWE.

VE7JZ/P, John, will be on Minstrel Island, NA-091, until August first,
40, 20 and 15M SSB and digital. QSL to his home address.

HL1VAU, Rocky Han, says the IOTA operation planned for Anmyon Island,
AS-080, for this past weekend were canceled for private and
transportation reasons. The team plans to reschedule for other
islands on the west coast of the Korean Peninsula during the summer

IOTA frequencies -
CW 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530
SSB 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3765
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 222
Pridružen: 14 Mar 2003, 22:24

OdgovorNapisal/-a s55o » 07 Maj 2007, 20:38

Ola Erik...

Vsi smo veseli postov, še posebej naš Milan.

Držimo se pregovora...Več glav več ve!

Ex.S56WTT,S57WTT; All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
Uporabniški avatar
Tečni Moderator
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Pridružen: 11 Mar 2004, 14:42
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OdgovorNapisal/-a S55DX » 07 Maj 2007, 23:03

Moderator se strinja in čestita za 100. temo v rubriki DXpedicije :lol: . Kot kaže, se je rubrika lepo "prijela".

Hkrati bi se rad zahvalil tudi vsem ostalim, ki ste s svojimi objavami pripomogli, da je ta rubrika pestra in zanimiva. Če pa naše objave še komu pomagajo, da poklofa kakšno "new one", je pa njen namen sploh dosežen.

Kar tako naprej in upam, da bo naš zgled še koga opogumil, da se nam pridruži.
73 de Milan, S 5 5 D X
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 596
Pridružen: 08 Jan 2003, 19:56
Kraj: Jezero (JN75fx)

OdgovorNapisal/-a S51U » 08 Maj 2007, 15:31

Pa saj lahko tisti, ki je naročen ( DailyDX ) to redno lepi semle gor, ali ne ?
S51U ( ex: S5041U, S52FB, YT3FB, YU3AXR )
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 369
Pridružen: 12 Jul 2006, 12:50
Kraj: JN75GX

OdgovorNapisal/-a S55DX » 08 Maj 2007, 18:02

S51U napisal/-a:Pa saj lahko tisti, ki je naročen ( DailyDX ) to redno lepi semle gor, ali ne ?

Najprej se je treba prepričati, kako je z avtorskimi pravicami.

425 DX News, ki so sicer zastonj, naprimer dovoljujejo objavo oz. reprodukcijo, delno ali v celoti, če se navede vir:

425 DX News is a free of charge weekly bulletin
edited by Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ and Valeria Pregliasco, IK1ADH

Its contents may be used, reproduced and distributed
in part or full provided that
"425 DX News" or "425DXN" receive proper credit

Za DX Daily pa je potrebno preveriti, da ne pridemo navzkriž z zakonom.
73 de Milan, S 5 5 D X
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 596
Pridružen: 08 Jan 2003, 19:56
Kraj: Jezero (JN75fx)

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57l » 08 Maj 2007, 19:28


jaz redno spremljam 3 vire dx novic ki so javno objavljene na netu. 425 ima par dni zamude od izdaje, verjetno imajo prednost naroceni...

pa srecno v pileupih

73, S57L JaNe
Prispevkov: 133
Pridružen: 16 Dec 2004, 18:06

OdgovorNapisal/-a S55DX » 08 Maj 2007, 20:57

Meni se ob vklopu računalnika odpre spletna stran:

Announced DX Operations.
73 de Milan, S 5 5 D X
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 596
Pridružen: 08 Jan 2003, 19:56
Kraj: Jezero (JN75fx)


OdgovorNapisal/-a S58F » 09 Maj 2007, 06:53


Vsi ki bi radi videli kratka (2X) videa iz BS7H si jih lahko ogledate na zloglasnem YouTube



Na YouTube je navoljo ogromno kratkih HAM "filmčkov"..

Odlična predstavitev BS7H iz leta 1997 je na voljo -
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 222
Pridružen: 14 Mar 2003, 22:24

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