Ideja za portable KV vertikalko...

Vse o radioamaterski tehniki

Moderator: s55o

OdgovorNapisal/-a s56al » 26 Avg 2001, 00:23

Vendar previdno. Le dalec stran od zracnih poti in ob jasnem vremenu, kajti taksna antena je fantasticen strelovod. Benjamin Franklin je na podoben nacin z zmajem ob nevihti lovil staticni naboj v svoje Leidenske steklenice, da bi dokazal, da je strela le elektrostaticna praznitev. A je poba imel sreco. Vec raziskovalcev, ki je za njim zelelo ponoviti njegov poizkus, je koncalo na pokopaliscu.


Hello, Several years ago several of us wanted to operate in the ARRL 160 meter
contest. We realized that a vertical was a must to work some of the good DX
that is on that band.
We laid out 8 or so radials ( 1/4 wave + 5% ) and grounded them in the center
and then cut a 1/4 wave of light gauge wire for the vertical element. We were
on a budget, since this antenna was for one weekend only.
We obtained several of the three foot " weather balloons " available from
Edmund Scientific and at some smaller airports. Helium is readily available
from welding supply houses.
This antenna performed very well. The only problem we had was with the wind
laying the antenna down to about a 45 degree angle at times, but, that can be
compensated for to a degree with " two guy strings " from the balloon to the
An ATU at the base may or may not be needed. We used one and, for the weekend,
to keep dew off of it, placed it inside a large plastic garbage sack.73,
Sam Neal N5AF
Prispevkov: 802
Pridružen: 03 Jul 2001, 01:00
Kraj: JN66SI

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