Potres v Italiji

Razprave in objave o aktivnosti radioamaterjev ob nesrečah in nevarnostih

Moderatorji: S56ZM, s56g, S56CT

Potres v Italiji

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56CT » 24 Avg 2016, 15:23


v intervenciji pri odstranjevanju posledic potresa v Italiji sodelujejo tudi radioamaterji RNRE.

Za komunikacijo uporabljajo frekvenco 7.060 MHz.

Prosijo, da se te frekvence ne uporablja.

Še tekst IARU R1 EmComm koordinatorja:

Amateur radio active in Italian earthquake.

Following the magnitude 6.2 earthquake which struck central Italy on 24 August killing 38 people, Italian radio amateurs are active in the emergency response.
Please keep 7060kHz clear along with other Emergency CoA frequencies in the 80 and 40m bands for emergency communications within Italy.
No external assistance is required at this time. The Italian radio amateur groups are following their planned response with their government.
Any requests for information on missing persons should be made via the Red Cross or other recognised relief organisations.

Greg, G0DUB
IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator
73 de S56CT-Tilen
S5 RPT Manager
Prispevkov: 1107
Pridružen: 20 Jan 2002, 01:00
Kraj: Sevnica

Re: Potres v Italiji

OdgovorNapisal/-a s51fb » 24 Avg 2016, 15:30


Danes zjutraj je osrednjo Italijo prizdel močan potres.

Po podatkih, objavljenih na IARU R1 spletni strani so v odpravljanje posledic vključeni tudi radioamaterji, ki za svojo medsebojno komunikacijo uporabljajo tudi 40m in 80m frekvenčni obseg.

Ob tem je navedeno, da je ena od pomembnih frekvenc za to aktivnost 7.060 MHz.

Ker ni znano koliko časa se bodo te frekvence uporabljale za ta namen bo mogoče potrebno med bližnjim vikendom v času SCC RTTY tekmovanja popaziti, da ta frekvenca ne bo preveč motena z RTTY signali.


Miha, S51FB
Prispevkov: 124
Pridružen: 14 Avg 2006, 13:06

Re: Potres v Italiji

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56CT » 25 Avg 2016, 07:28

With over 120 people reported dead in today's earthquake Alberto provided the following bullet points of information, all times are assumed to be Italian local time and I have changed some of the words to make it easier for those of you who use Google Translate;

- 2 main cities destroyed : Amatrice and Accumuli

- 3 teams from RNRE involved from this morning

- HQ station IQ1HR working from 4 o'clock this morning on HF

- RNRE operating the satellite earth stations some of you may have seen at Friedrichshafen as support with VoIP phones

- Incident started from 3.36 this morning

- The RNRE structure was activated from 4 o'clock via WhatsApp ,SMS,mail and phone

7060 is assumed to still be in use and strong aftershocks are still hitting the region. Thanks to all of you for your work today in informing your countries of the emergency operation. When I listened from my temporary QTH in IO70eb this afternoon I could not hear any QRM (or activity). Hopefully propagation will remain good to allow our Italian friends to keep their links and not suffer too much from the rest of the world.

Greg, G0DUB
IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator
73 de S56CT-Tilen
S5 RPT Manager
Prispevkov: 1107
Pridružen: 20 Jan 2002, 01:00
Kraj: Sevnica

Re: Potres v Italiji

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56CT » 25 Avg 2016, 20:15

Alberto has provided the following points on the number of amateurs involved this morning.

- Deaths : Now reported as 250, significant aftershocks continue to hit the region.
- Radioamateurs involved : 10 on field +10 outside field with ;
- 3 mobile units with satellite stations and HF national net

Italian radio amateurs are likely to remain involved for some time. Although you can see from the TV reporters that there are good communications with the area , RNRE are kept available by their government to provide communications from the disaster are back to Rome if an aftershock causes more damage to communications systems.

Greg, G0DUB
IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator
73 de S56CT-Tilen
S5 RPT Manager
Prispevkov: 1107
Pridružen: 20 Jan 2002, 01:00
Kraj: Sevnica

Re: Potres v Italiji

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56CT » 27 Avg 2016, 06:17


Attivata la frequenza KHz 7.060 LSB

Rete d’emergenza in fonia tra Sala operativa del Dipartimento e Di.Co.Mac.
KHz 7.045/6990 - 3.643,5

Rete delle Prefetture

Fonia KHz 7.045-3.643 - PSK31 6.990-3.580 per comunicazioni di emergenza, si prega cortesemente di non utilizzarla e di evitare per qualsiasi motivo di operare su frequenze adiacenti ad essa per al meno +\- 10 khz
73 de S56CT-Tilen
S5 RPT Manager
Prispevkov: 1107
Pridružen: 20 Jan 2002, 01:00
Kraj: Sevnica

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