GlobalSET 2015 - IARU EmComm vaja

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GlobalSET 2015 - IARU EmComm vaja

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56CT » 09 Dec 2015, 09:14


med 12. in 22. decembrom testno aktiviranje mednarodnega EmComm omrežja v vseh IARU regionih, vključno z R1. Koordinatorji v regionih bodo imeli proste roke glede termina aktiviranja EmComm omrežja in ni nujno, da bo to ravno za vikend.

Glede na izkušnjo iz Nepala, katerega je v začetku leta prizadel potres bi EmComm pri IARU rad preveril odzivnost radioamaterjev ob podobnih dogodkih. Glavni cilj je preveriti organiziranost in pripravljenost ekip, bolj kot postavljanje postaj na terenu.

Najprej bo aktiviran S50ARO, ki bo moral po svojih komunikacijskih poteh pridobiti podatek o številu EmComm postaj, ki so pripravljene za delo. Dobrodošle bodo tudi podrobnosti ekip npr. število operaterjev, frekvenčna področja in načini dela, ki jih pokrivajo, območje delovanja, rezervno napajanje, lokacija postaje itd.
S tem bodo na IARU dobili podatek o številu radioamaterjev, ki so se sposobni odzvati v izrednih razmerah,kako hitro deluje koordinacija po piramidnem sistemu aktivacije.

Ko S50ARO pridobi podatke izpolne formular in ga pošlje aktivatorju oz. IARU EmComm koordinatorju. Predviden čas za to je od 24-48 ur.

Več podatkov bodo posredovali.

Še nekaj napotkov G0DUB, ki je IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator:

- ko bo aktiviran S50ARO začne teči čas vaje,
- od ekip in posameznikov bomo morali pridobiti podatke v kolikšnem času (1, 4, 12 ur) so lahko pripravljeni za delo,
- število postaj, ki bodo pripravljene za delov 1 uri, 4 in 12 urah,
- ko bo S50ARO ocenil, da je odziv postaj zadovoljiv bo od IARU EmComm koordinatorja prejel spletni naslov kamor bo vpisal podatke,
- podatki bodo morali biti vpisani najkasneje v 48 urah od aktivacije S50ARO.


Vir: Google (

Še nekaj mailov:

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Tilen Cestnik
To: Mailing list for IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinators
Sent: Wednesday, December 9, 2015 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: [R1emcor] GlobalSET 2015

Hi Greg,

our national and 13 regional AREN EmComm units are informed about exercise GlobalSET 2015.

National EmComm station S50ARO is avaliable via Winlink email: s50aro (at) & GMail: aron.s50aro (at)

We are waiting for your ACTIVATION.

73 de S56CT - Tilen C.
My GSM: +386 41 60 50 92

From: Greg Mossop
Sent: Sunday, December 6, 2015 11:24 PM
Subject: [R1emcor] GlobalSET 2015

the following text has just been submitted to the website. Please read to the end for more information.

GlobalSET 2015.

Since 2006 the International exercises organised by IARU Region 1 have concentrated on testing between countries using the emergency centre of activity frequencies defined in the band plans, and passing formal messages across language barriers.
Some countries are very involved in emergencies but have not been able to take full part because of timing or their distance from other countries.

Following the Nepal Earthquake earlier this year, a new test is required to demonstrate that Amateur Radio is able to respond quickly to an emergency. GlobalSET 2015 will take place, but with a focus on our organisation rather than on how easily groups can set up field stations.

We announce that between 12-22nd December, the IARU Regional Emergency Communications Co-Ordinators will trigger a call out exercise in their region. The exact time will depend on the Regional co-ordinators and may not be a weekend as disasters can occur at any time.

We will use whatever means considered appropriate to ask the IARU Member Societies and Groups known to be active in emergency communications to contact their members and ask them how quickly they could get on air if required.
There is a time limit of 24-48 hours to complete their local call out exercise and submit their results through a web form which will make the results far easier to produce than earlier years.

By using a web form it is hoped that any language barriers are removed as online translation tools can be used to convert this into their local language to make it easier to fill in. The web address will be given when the exercise starts and information will be gathered by each region separately.

No one is expected to get on air, so the exercise is independent of any HF propagation problems.

The aims of the exercise are;

To show that we can respond quickly and in a co-ordinated manner.
To get groups and societies involved in an event without language, time or propagation barriers.
To update our information about how many radio amateurs around the world are available for emergency communications showing our strength in the hobby.

Some countries have large ( >1500 member ) emergency communications groups, in these cases being able to demonstrate that a significant number of members would be available is a success.

More information will be circulated to National Emergency Communications Co-Ordinators soon.


When the exercise starts I will let you know using as many methods as possible. There will be a posting to this mailing list but I will also send SMS messages and telephone some of you to confirm the contact details I am holding.

Once you receive the call/message ;

- Note the time you start your exercise
- Ask your members whether they would be available in 1 hour, 4 hours or 12 hours.
- Keep a total of those members available in 1 hour, 4 hours or 12 hours.
- When you think you have enough responses I will have given you all a web address to send your replies back to.
- I need the web form completed within 48 hours of the initial call from me.

After Nepal we need to be sure that we can get the right people on air at the right time to provide help. Testing our response time is the best way of starting this process.

Any questions? Remember the exercise will be between 12-22nd December :-)

Greg, G0DUB
IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator

73 de S56CT-Tilen
S5 RPT Manager
Prispevkov: 1107
Pridružen: 20 Jan 2002, 01:00
Kraj: Sevnica

Re: GlobalSET 2015 - IARU EmComm vaja

OdgovorNapisal/-a s56zxl » 14 Dec 2015, 16:19

a se ta znak (na koncu posta) lahko uporablja...vsepovsod (v glavah dokumentov in publikacij, našitki, itd.)?
Prispevkov: 3
Pridružen: 06 Maj 2012, 21:17

Re: GlobalSET 2015 - IARU EmComm vaja

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56CT » 14 Dec 2015, 16:23

V dogovoru z ZRS.
73 de S56CT-Tilen
S5 RPT Manager
Prispevkov: 1107
Pridružen: 20 Jan 2002, 01:00
Kraj: Sevnica

Re: GlobalSET 2015 - IARU EmComm vaja

OdgovorNapisal/-a S57NAZ » 14 Dec 2015, 22:26

Pozdravljen Tilen
Sklepam, da bo testno aktiviranje uspešno in, da bo odziv dober.
Mislim, da bi morali biti o vaji seznanjeni vsi radioamaterji,
saj imamo poslanstvo tudi v teh neljubih zadevah, ki nas
lahko doletijo vsak dan.

A je kje možno videti v živo to EmComm postajo in se mogoče
celo nekoliko spoznati z njenim delovanjem?
"Vedno se pogovarjam s človekom tako, da si pridobim prijatelja in nikoli tako, da dobim sovražnika!" Medvešček Janez
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 637
Pridružen: 27 Avg 2001, 01:00
Kraj: Kranj - JN76EF

Re: GlobalSET 2015 - IARU EmComm vaja

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56CT » 15 Dec 2015, 09:13

Zdravo marko,

kakšno bo aktiviranje in predvsem odziv bomo videli. Čakam na aktivacijo, katero bo izvedel IARU R EmComm koordinator. Večkrat denvno preverjam S50ARO Winlink e-pošto, kot tudi GMail.

Kako seznaniti vse radioamterje je druga plat zgodbe, predvsem za vajo. Več kot objaviti na forumu, skupinskih mailih, spletni strani, če ta deluje je bolj kot ne vse kar pride v poštev.

Katero EmComm postajo bi si rad ogledal? Tista fotka je simbolična "ukradena" z neta.
73 de S56CT-Tilen
S5 RPT Manager
Prispevkov: 1107
Pridružen: 20 Jan 2002, 01:00
Kraj: Sevnica

Re: GlobalSET 2015 - IARU EmComm vaja

OdgovorNapisal/-a s56llb » 15 Dec 2015, 09:35

Lep pozdrav!

Ko hodimo po ARG tekmovanjih v avstriji, je večkrat videti take emcomm komplete ali pa mobilne repetitorje.
Te zadeve sem videl tudi v Friedrichshafenu.
Lp. Andrej
Prispevkov: 50
Pridružen: 07 Dec 2004, 00:22

Re: GlobalSET 2015 - IARU EmComm vaja

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56DE » 15 Dec 2015, 12:22


V Google vtipkaš "ham radio go kit" in dobil boš veliko količino slik, video posnetkov, ter linkov na različne forume, kjer bo ogromno pojasnil in idej.
Vsak ga naredi po svoje...
Denis, S56DE
Prispevkov: 75
Pridružen: 22 Mar 2013, 19:22
Kraj: Ljubljana

Re: GlobalSET 2015 - IARU EmComm vaja

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56CT » 18 Dec 2015, 14:23

GlobalSET 2015 je "aktiviran".

Prosim napišite mi tu ali na mail tilen.cestnik (at), tisti, ki niste v regijskih ekipah, tako klubi kot posamezniki, koliko operaterjev, v kakšnem času lahko pričnete delovati in s kakšno opremo lahko sodelujete.

Zbrane podatke bom posredoval na IARU R1.

Lp, Tilen


As earlier advised, Globalset 2015 is an emergency communications call-out preparedness/availability exercise organised by IARU Region 1.

The exercise in Region 1 begins NOW at 1100 UTC on Friday 18 December and applies to all countries on this mailing list whatever your size or number of members.

The Regional Coordinators in IARU R1, R2 and R3 are issuing the GlobalSET 2015 alert to National Coordinators at slightly different times to test their region most effectively.

Please ask your members whether they would be available on air;

- in the next hour

- in the next 1-4 hours

- in the next 4-12 hours

Please then gather all your answers and submit the results on a webform at;

A time limit of 24-48 hours is set to complete all call-outs and send the survey to allow for any religious restrictions in your countries.

Good luck :-)

Greg, G0DUB
IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator


Comme précédemment conseillé, Globalset 2015 est une communication d'urgence appeler-out préparation / disponibilité exercice organisé par la Région 1 IARU.

L'exercice dans la Région 1 commence maintenant à 1100 UTC le vendredi 18 Décembre et l'applique à tous les pays sur cette liste de diffusion quel que soit votre taille ou le nombre de membres.

Les coordonnateurs régionaux dans IARU R1, R2 et R3 sont signalant GlobalSET 2015 aux coordonnateurs nationaux des moments légèrement différents pour tester leur région la plus efficace.

S'il vous plaît demander à vos membres si elles seraient disponibles sur l'air;

- Dans la prochaine heure

- Dans les prochaines 1-4 heures

- Dans les prochains 4-12 heures

S'il vous plaît recueillir ensuite toutes vos réponses et de soumettre les résultats sur un formulaire Web à;

Un délai de 24-48 heures est fixé pour terminer tous les appels-outs et envoyer l'enquête pour permettre des restrictions religieuses dans vos pays.

Bon chance :-)

Greg, G0DUB
Région 1 IARU urgence coordonnateur des communications
73 de S56CT-Tilen
S5 RPT Manager
Prispevkov: 1107
Pridružen: 20 Jan 2002, 01:00
Kraj: Sevnica

Re: GlobalSET 2015 - IARU EmComm vaja

OdgovorNapisal/-a S57NAZ » 18 Dec 2015, 16:19

Tilen pozdravljen

Za Radioklub Kranj S59BDE:
Trenutno (do 17.30 ure je na razpolago S52FO), potem pa S59DR.
zdajle, če bi bilo treba bi lahko aktivirali 4 člane (S57TRP, S57NAZ in S59DR,
S52FO, ki ima vključeno radijsko postajo, nisem še preverjal za S57SU).

Na voljo imamo radijske postaje:
- Kenwood TS2000,
- Yaesu FT101-E,
- Kenwood TS430 S in
- Yaesu FT736-R v ReCO Kranj

Lep pozdrav Marko - S57NAZ
"Vedno se pogovarjam s človekom tako, da si pridobim prijatelja in nikoli tako, da dobim sovražnika!" Medvešček Janez
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 637
Pridružen: 27 Avg 2001, 01:00
Kraj: Kranj - JN76EF

Re: GlobalSET 2015 - IARU EmComm vaja

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56CT » 18 Dec 2015, 19:26

QSL Marko, zabeleženo.
73 de S56CT-Tilen
S5 RPT Manager
Prispevkov: 1107
Pridružen: 20 Jan 2002, 01:00
Kraj: Sevnica

Re: GlobalSET 2015 - IARU EmComm vaja

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56CT » 18 Dec 2015, 19:33

Prosim vas ne javljajte ničesar direktno Gregu!

Podatke bom zbral jaz in jih poslal po dogovorjenem postopku.
73 de S56CT-Tilen
S5 RPT Manager
Prispevkov: 1107
Pridružen: 20 Jan 2002, 01:00
Kraj: Sevnica

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