Live on echolink iss school qso 21st dec 1634utc

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Moderator: S56CT

Live on echolink iss school qso 21st dec 1634utc

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56CT » 21 Dec 2005, 12:00

live on echolink iss school qso 21st dec 1634utc

listen live in hawaii to the downlink on 145.800 fm

The audio from this event will be fed into the EchoLink AMSAT (node
377) and EDU_Net (node 77 992) conference room servers. Please make
connection to the EDU_NET server. By keeping the load light on the
server, we assure better audio quality for all.

This event will also be broadcast into the IRLP Discovery Reflector
with streaming audio available from the Discovery Reflector Web Site

Carman Park Elementary School, Carman Ainsworth School District,
Flint, MI, USA, telebridge via WH6PN in Hawaii.
Contact is a go for Wed 2005-12-21 16:34 UTC 85 deg via WH6PN


To join the event:

To access the Audio Replay of this call, all parties can:
1. Go to the URL listed above.
2. Choose Audio Streaming under Join Events.
3. Enter the conference number and passcode. (Note that if this is a
recurring event, multiple dates may be listed.)
Replays are available for 30 days after the live event.

Proposed questions for Carman Park:
1. Knowing that you will be in space for six months, can you e-mail
your wife and your two daughters, often?
2. On a space walk are you hooked to the ISS, if not how would you
get back if you floated away?
3. With the technology on the ISS can you detect information about
natural disasters like the hurricanes?
4. Does one person always have to be awake aboard the ISS?
5. Do you ever run into space debris or comets on the ISS?
6. Last week we made ecosystems with fish, could they live on the ISS.
7. Does the ISS run on only solar power?
8. Will you celebrate any of the holidays aboard the ISS?
9. You have been in space three times before. What does it feel like
when you come back from space?
10. How will the new Ultrasound information help us get to Mars?
11. Is it hard for you to go on a space walk?
12. You go around the earth every 90 minutes. How can you tell what
time it is?
13. Would the grass we grew in our terrarium grow on the ISS?
14. You wear glasses. Does space affect them (like fogging up)?
15. How much time do you have to do research aboard the ISS?
16. How long do you have to work out each day to stay healthy?
17. What do you like to do with your free time on the ISS?
18. What is the toughest thing for you aboard the ISS?
19. What precautions would you take, if one of your windows cracked?
20. What do you like to do the most aboard the ISS?

73 Ian G3ZHI - many ham radio links

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