Desecheo Island, KP5

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Desecheo Island, KP5

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 16 Avg 2008, 09:37

Precej govorjenja je bilo o delu iz Desecheo - KP5 letos, spodaj je zapisanih nekaj dejstev in vse kaže, da bi znal KP5 biti v "luftu" koncem leta. Le datum za prijavo na USFWS smo zamudili. :wink:

CUL Danilo, S50U

Over the past few weeks there has been speculation of an upcoming operation to Descheo Island (KP5) to take place in November. This bulletin is to provide the DX community with the actual facts on what has been going on and what will possibly happen. Several DX publications were notified about two months ago that the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) had decided to allow certain amateur radio operators who have made an inquiry about operating from Desecheo in the recent past an opportunity to submit a proposal (approximately 20 individuals). OPDX and others were told to NOT publish anything in fear of jeopardizing the process. As of this time, "NO ONE" has been selected to operate from KP5. The following information was provided by an "informed source" to bring everyone up-to-date and explain what events took place: There is a tentative agreement to facilitate access to the Desecheo Island National Wildlife Refuge by Amateur Radio operators in conjunction with future USFWS management activities in the refuge. The plan would allow Amateur Radio activation of Desecheo for up to 14 days under strict guidelines and close USFWS supervision. USFWS expects to grant a Special Use Permit (SUP) for amateur radio operations to one group selected from among large number of prior applicants. These applicants have recently been contacted by the agency and provided a number of stringent requirements that must be met. They were told that if they are still interested in operating from Desecheo they had 45 days to submit a proposal. The letter was dated June 30, 2008, with an August 14th deadline. The final selection will be made based upon which proposal best satisfies USFWS requirements. The timing of this operation is still uncertain but is likely to be in the September through December 2008 time frame. The actual dates of the operation are dependent on a number of variables, but the team and Dxers should have a minimum of 30 days notice. We are not sure, but we believe as many as a dozen proposals have been submitted. Apparently, the final selection will be made by a three person panel. Continue to remain patient as the selection process proceeds. Apparently, Dxers worldwide can look forward to the first USFWS-authorized activation of Desecheo Island in many years.
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S50CLX Cerkno LinuX dx cluster
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Pridružen: 07 Avg 2002, 23:05
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Re: Desecheo Island, KP5

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 04 Okt 2008, 21:06

S50U napisal/-a:Precej govorjenja je bilo o delu iz Desecheo - KP5 letos

Lepa novica :lol: CUL Danilo, S50U

Press Release # 1—-Desecheo KP5—-2009

The Caribbean National Wildlife Refuge Complex has selected and announced a team of operators to activate Desecheo Island (KP5) sometime between January 15, 2009 and March 30, 2009. The Team will be co-led by Dr. Glenn Johnson, WØGJ and Bob Allphin, K4UEE. Background: On June 30, 2008, the Caribbean National Wildlife Refuge office in Puerto Rico sent a letter to persons that had previously made inquiries about an Amateur Radio operation from Desecheo. They announced their decision to allow one group to activate the island and invited proposals that must adhere to strict guidelines and criteria. Applicant’s had 45 days to prepare and submit their proposals. CNWR received seven written proposals. A panel of three Fish and Wildlife Service employees, from areas within the Service outside of the Caribbean refuge, spent September 24 & 25 reviewing and evaluating the proposals. The selection criteria used were those outlined in the proposal invitation letter. Points were awarded for how well criteria were addressed for thoroughness and documentation. The proposal with the highest ranking was submitted by team leaders Dr. Glenn Johnson, WØGJ, and Bob Allphin, K4UEE. Their plan involves a team of fifteen operators for a 14-day operation. USFWS has not announced the actual dates of the operation yet, but the DXpedition is expected to take place between January 15, 2009 and March 30, 2009. A Special Use Permit (SUP) will be issued as per USFWS regulations. We expect that the DXpedition team and DXers worldwide will have a minimum of 30 days notice. A website is being planned and will be announced in the near future.
Linux is like living in a teepee. No Windows, no Gates and an Apache in house!
S50CLX Cerkno LinuX dx cluster
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Prispevkov: 559
Pridružen: 07 Avg 2002, 23:05
Kraj: Cíerkna

Re: Desecheo Island, KP5

OdgovorNapisal/-a S55DX » 28 Jan 2009, 07:55

January 26, 2009
Desecheo 2009 Press Release # 4
We have reserved the special call sign K5D for our upcoming Desecheo operation. The operation will begin late in the day on Feb 12th.

QSO philosophy...because Desecheo is so very rare (#6 worldwide, #3 in Europe and # 2 in Asia) there are many, many hams worldwide that need KP5 for an all-time new one. Therefore, we are asking that you not contact the Dxpedition on any band/mode that you have confirmed from a previous DXpedition. This will allow the people who really need a new DXCC entity a better opportunity to get through the pileups.

Our objective is not to establish a world record for contacts...there will be no "greenies", no boxes to check, no competitions for most band/mode QSOs, no certificate or awards for contacting the Dxpedition more times than anyone else. So, if you have KP5 already confirmed on a particular band/mode, we respectfully ask that you exercise restraint. If, late in the DXpedition, we are calling CQ for contacts, we will welcome your call.

The team has encountered higher expenses than anticipated. These mainly involve the transportation and feeding of other personnel that will be traveling to the island with us. Approximately ten other personnel will share our campsite and facilities for the duration of the DXpedition. They will be on Island with us to provide security and carry out field research. Therefore, we ask that you consider a contribution to the DXpedition to help with these incremental expenses. Just go to and click the button that reads" How you can Help".

We are all counting the days until we assemble in Puerto Rico on Feb 7th.

Bob Allphin- K4UEE
Glenn Johnson-WØGJ
K5D co-leaders
73 de Milan, S 5 5 D X
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Re: Desecheo Island, KP5

OdgovorNapisal/-a S51AY » 28 Jan 2009, 10:58

VE7DP mi je povedal, da je govoril z njimi, ko je bil na poti za XE. Licenco so dobili, "v luftu" bi naj bili nekje sredi Februarja...
73 de Arpi-S51AY , HSC#1267, CTC#2268, EPC#3826, FH#1448, DMC#2139, 30MDG#3904, BDM#0288, TRC#005SLO, NDG#0851, HPC#451, ERC#0989
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Re: Desecheo Island, KP5

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 12 Feb 2009, 14:43

S50U napisal/-a:Lepa novica :lol:

This is from a friend in Illinois who is part of the team.

Subject: Desecheo - D-day

Tomorrow.... Thursday morning we are heading out... Since Monday we have staged over 25,000 pounds or more of ham antennas, towers, equipment, food, tents, generators, supplies, etc. etc. etc.... this does not include the weight of 15 operators and their personal gear.... This will involve over 30 trips with the 2 helicopters. .. just check out the soon to be uploaded photos on our web site of our staging area on the west coast of PR.... it is a whole parking lot filled with white transport bags filled with everything.... We hope to some stations on the air late in the day. OH BTW my ass is dragging from all the hard work and we are not even We hope to have internet from the island ..... but I doubt if I will have much time for that. We should have daily updates on the website at:

73 Jerry WB9Z
Linux is like living in a teepee. No Windows, no Gates and an Apache in house!
S50CLX Cerkno LinuX dx cluster
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Re: Desecheo Island, KP5

OdgovorNapisal/-a S55DX » 12 Feb 2009, 16:02

February 12, 2009
At 1240Z the first helicopter with five Team Members aboard took off from Rincon and a few minutes later landed safely on Desecheo Island. The K5D Desecheo 2009 DXpedition is officially ON! QRV (single transmitter only) still planned near 0200Z tonight.
73 de Milan, S 5 5 D X
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Prispevkov: 597
Pridružen: 08 Jan 2003, 19:56
Kraj: Jezero (JN75fx)

Re: Desecheo Island, KP5

OdgovorNapisal/-a S55DX » 13 Feb 2009, 13:35

Zamuda ...

February 12, 2009
Per Glenn W0GJ and Bob K4UEE @ 23:45Z: "Heavy winds during the day delayed several helicopter flights so we're running quite a bit behind schedule.

For example, we had to wait until the last helicopter trip to begin erecting shelters. We're all exhausted and have quite a bit of infrastructure work yet to do (in the dark).

Regrettably, this will delay our planned QRV until (hopefuly) near 1600Z tomorrow (Friday). We're sorry to disappoint those expecting us on the air tonight."
73 de Milan, S 5 5 D X
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 597
Pridružen: 08 Jan 2003, 19:56
Kraj: Jezero (JN75fx)

Re: Desecheo Island, KP5

OdgovorNapisal/-a s52w » 17 Feb 2009, 11:10

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