FT5XQ - Kerguelen Is.

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FT5XQ - Kerguelen Is.

OdgovorNapisal/-a S55DX » 01 Apr 2007, 10:49

Trenutno se nekaj dogaja na 15m. Nekaj spotov je tudi /MM.

Gildas (Gil), TU5KG (aka FT5WL and FT5XP), will once again be maritime in the Austral Sea (in the Southern Indian Ocean) on a fishing boat near/around the Kerguelen and Crozet Island.

This year (2007) he will be using the new callsigns FT5XQ and FT5WM.

Gil will be active until February 15th as FT5XQ/MM and then FT5WM/MM until March 15th.

He is expected to visit Port aux Francais, Kerguelen Islands, on March 14th.

Gil will be active as FR/TU5KG from Reunion Island from the April 15th until he returns to France in April.

QSL via F4EFI, direct or by the bureau.
73 de Milan, S 5 5 D X
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