3B7 - St. Brandon AF-015

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3B7 - St. Brandon AF-015

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 10 Dec 2006, 09:36

V letu 2007 bo pestro iz tega otočja. Za Poljaki spomladi najavlja klofarijo še Five Star DXers klapa, bolj poznana po njihovih odmevnih expedicijijah iz 9M0C - 1998, D68C - 2001, 3B9C - 2004. CUL Danilo, S50U

The Five Star DXers Association (FSDXA) 3B7C expedition to St. Brandon (AF-015) is still on course for September 2007. The plan is to be QRV from the 7th to the 24th, ensuring two full weeks and three weekends of activity. The team is aware that a Polish expedition to Agalega has been announced for April 2007, but considers that demand for this rare one is such that a large-scale operation (12 stations) is fully justified. The QSL manager will be G3NUG, direct or bureau. Further information will be posted on http://www.3b7c.com as it becomes available.
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