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OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 08 Sep 2006, 22:00

Tudi VU7 kmalu ne bo več med "most wanted" .... ogromno aktivnosti iz tega otočja se pričakuje v januarju 2007. :lol:

CUL Danilo, S50U

The National Institute of Amateur Radio (NIAR) has announced that the Lakshadweep Islands (VU7), the #2 Most Wanted DXCC Entity, will be activated in January 2007. Approximately 70 multinational and 30 Indian operators are expected to travel from Kochin, India, by boat to Lakshadweep on or about 12 January. Plans are to operate as VU7RG (requested call, in memory of the late Rajiv Gandhi, VU2RG, former Prime Minister of India) on 15-25 January from three "excellent equipped and well organized sites". An International Advisory Committe (IAC) is constituted under the chairmanship of Mr. S. Suri, VU2MY to organise the event successfully. A Sub-Committee - including Frank Rosenkranz/DL4KQ (Chairman), Kyoko Miyoshi/JR3MVF, Martti Laine/OH2BH and Glenn Johnson/W0GJ (members) and S. Ram Mohan/VU2MYH (convenor) - will deal with requirements/coordination of all international participants in the operations. Further information will be released exclusively by NIAR (
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S50CLX Cerkno LinuX dx cluster
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OdgovorNapisal/-a S55DX » 02 Okt 2006, 07:19

Postavljena je že tudi uradna spletna stran za je Lakshadweep HAMFEST Radio DX-pedition.
73 de Milan, S 5 5 D X
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OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 06 Okt 2006, 23:01

S50U napisal/-a:aktivnosti iz tega otočja se pričakuje v januarju 2007. :lol:

VU7 hamfest se bo odvijal malce prej, še letos ...

NIAR PRESS RELEASE - 6th October 2006

We are happy to inform you that the Hon’ble Minister for Communications and IT has approved the NIAR proposal for holding Hamfest – a convention of International amateur radio operators in Lakshadweep Islands (VU7). The event will be held during December 1-3 rd, 2006. The event also coincides the year of Golden Jubilee celebrations of Union Territory of Lakshadweep. Another major attraction for the event is that Indian and Foreign hams can obtain permission from Government of India to operate their Amateur Radio stations during the HAMFEST being held at Lakshadweep Islands during December 1 - 10, 2006. Several agencies of Government of India have came together to support Amateur Radio activity in our country, particularly the Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Tourism, Lakshadweep Administration, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of HRD and Department of Telecommunications. This was made possible with encouragement we received from DX agencies like GDXF, Germany and DERA, USA etc. Hamfest is likely to attract large number of operators. It has been decided to spread amateur radio stations to different islands to ensure most efficient operations with their physical separation of 10-60 km.

The operations will take place at least from:

* Agatti Island
* Bangaram Island
* Kadmat Island

Lots of attention will be put in the organisation of each island operation site:

* Experienced operators
* Carefully selected equipments
* Large antenna farms
* Awareness of condition to all continents on all bands

In addition NIAR has assigned reliable QSL Managers to ensure quickest and most efficient QSL handling for each of the 3 ITU Regions:

* Region 1: German DX Foundation (GDXF)
* Region 2: N2OO, Bob Scheck
* Region 3: The I-House Radio Club

Your contribution, in any amount, will make you a valued member of our VU7 operation. We need your support! We plan a special acknowledgement for Individual Donators. Further details will follow in due time. More details will be released on the official webpage as plans and details firm up. Regards Mohan, VU2MYH
Linux is like living in a teepee. No Windows, no Gates and an Apache in house!
S50CLX Cerkno LinuX dx cluster
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