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OdgovorNapisal/-a s55z » 18 Jun 2010, 09:16

MALTA, 9H. Markus, OH1MN will be QRV as 9H3MK from June 19 to July
3. Activity will be holiday style on 80 to 6 meters using SSB and
digital modes. QSL to home call.

TAIWAN, BV. Yoshihiro, JK2VOC is QRV as BW2/home call until June
20. QSL direct to home call.

PHILIPPINES, DU. Gerard, F2JD is QRV as DU1/G0SHN for 6 months or
more. Activity is on all bands and modes. He will also try to
activate some of the IOTA islands while there. QSL via F6AJA.

SCOTLAND, GM. A group of operators are QRV as MS0INT from Eilean
Mor Island, IOTA EU-118, until June 21. This may include operating
from Lighthouse WLOTA LH-0023. QSL via M0URX.

LIECHTENSTEIN, HB0. Marc, OZ1MDX plans to be QRV as HB0/OU4U from
June 22 to 27. Activity is on all HF bands using CW, SSB, RTTY and
possibly PSK31. QSL direct via M0URX.

HONDURAS, HR. A group of operators are QRV as HQ3C from the Cayos
Cochinos Marine National park on Cayo Pequeno, IOTA NA-160, until
June 20. Activity is on all HF bands using SSB and various digital
modes. QSL via HR2RCH.

DJIBOUTI, J2. Vincent, F5MJV is QRV as J28JV. His length of stay
is unknown at this time. Activity is on all HF bands using mainly
CW and digital modes with some SSB. He also plans to activate the
IOTA Gulf of Tadjoura Group, IOTA AF-053. QSL via F5NQL.

MONGOLIA, JT. Sank, JT1AS is QRV as JT70AS until the end of 2010 in
celebration of his 70th birthday. Activity is on all HF bands using
RTTY and PSK. QSL direct to home call.

MARIANA ISLANDS, KH0. Tony, JA6CNL is QRV as KH0N from Saipan, IOTA
OC-086, until June 22. Activity is mainly on 80, 30, 17 and 12
meters using CW. He also plans to be an entry in the All Asian DX
CW contest. QSL to home call.

NORWAY, LA. Operators OK1HH, OK1AMM and OK2BOB will be QRV as
LA/home calls from Finnoy Island, IOTA EU-055, from June 23 to 30.
Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters using CW and SSB. QSL to home

SUDAN, ST. Robert, ST2AR has been QRV on 17 meters around 1730z.
QSL direct via S53R.

GREECE, SV. A group of operators will be QRV as J48S from Skopelos
Island, IOTA EU-072, and the Guruni Lighthouse. Activity will be on
160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL direct to SV2FPU.

to be QRV as V63JQ, V63AKA, V63MCA, V63VE and V63JY, respectively,
from Yap Island, IOTA OC-012, from June 22 to 29. Activity will be
on 160 to 6 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY with up to five stations
active. QSL V63VE via JF1OCQ and all others to home calls.

ALBANIA, ZA. Kris, HA5X will be QRV as ZA0/home call from Sazan
Island, IOTA EU-169, on June 21. QSL to home call.

from Marion Island, IOTA AF 021. Activity has been on 40, 20 and 17
meters using SSB around 0630 to 1000z and 1230 to 1530z. QSL direct
via ZS1X.

OPERATIONS APPROVED FOR DXCC CREDIT. The following operations are
approved for DXCC credit. Palestine, E4X, 2010 operation and
E4/7K1REG, 2000 operation.
VY 73 & GL, Dragan S55Z, EPC #0760
HAMtech - Toys for real CONTEST-ers and DX-ers
Prispevkov: 2457
Pridružen: 13 Jul 2003, 03:29
Kraj: Ljubljana - JN76HB

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