FR/G Glorioso Islands

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FR/G Glorioso Islands

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 20 Mar 2008, 14:41

Tole DXpedicijo so že dostikrat preložili, videti je da bodo aktivni v začetku maja . Več info na CUL Danilo, S50U

The expedition to the Glorioso Islands (AF-011), originally planned to take place in May 2005 and postponed twice, has not been cancelled. Jean-Michel, F6AJA, editor of Les Nouvelles DX, reports first hand information and says that 'the crew has got the permission to land' and is currently working to arrange transportation for an early May trip. The expedition is likely to start between 5-9 May and remain active 'for some weeks'. The operators (F5PTM, F5IRO, F6KIN, F8CRS, F5PRU and possibly three others) will try to have three or four stations. Sponsors are being sought and can contact Didier, F5OGL. A nice collection of Glorioso QSL cards can be found on (click on Galerie de QSL)
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Re: FR/G Glorioso Islands

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 19 Apr 2008, 10:14

S50U napisal/-a:Tole DXpedicijo so že dostikrat preložili, videti je da bodo aktivni v začetku maja

Spet preloženo ... vojska odpeljala dol mešalec, kramp, lopate ... :wink: CUL Danilo, S50U

The operation for Glorioso 2008 must be delayed for some weeks. The HQ of the south zone of the Indian ocean announced us due to the fact that important works of facilities will take place on the island. During two and a half months, at the beginning of June, shelters anti cyclonic will be build to protect the military personnals and some equipment for the weather station. Due to the number of persons who will be on the island during the same period, we decided with the HQ of force of the south zone of the Indian ocean to do this DXpedition when these works will be ended. The exact dates will be define according to the operational occupation of the military transport in this region but we hope to accomplish this operation to the end of September or the beginning of October. This leaves us the time to improve our preparations and, we thank you all those who contribute to the realization of this plan and firstly the military authorities of the Reunion island and our financial and equipment sponsors.. 73's de Didier, F5OGL - Gloriosos 2008 team leader
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Pridružen: 07 Avg 2002, 23:05
Kraj: Cíerkna

Re: FR/G Glorioso Islands

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 14 Avg 2008, 12:55

S50U napisal/-a:vojska odpeljala dol mešalec, kramp, lopate ... :wink:

Dela gredo počasi k koncu, glede DXpedicije pa še nič dorečenega. Upajmo, da tole reč izpeljejo, videti je da fantje v projekt vlagajo precej truda. :D

CUL Danilo, S50U

Considering numerous rumours spread by non authorized hams about the dates of the next Gloriosos 2008 dxpedition, I think I have to give some information to avoid any more errors. On the island, the anti-cyclonics shelters building is nearly finished. The taking over of the French Army sovereignty personnels and the return of the building workers will be effective at the end of this month. At the beginning of September, after the last checkings on the installations, especially on electricity, all the heavy building gear will be evacuated from the island. I am, more than ever in very close contact with the military authorities of the French Forces for the South zone of the Indian ocean, in the Reunion Island. I’ve met the new HQ Chief warrant officer, before his starting for his new 3 years assignment to the zone. He assured me of his entire support and help for this expedition. The last problems to be solved are about some local logistic, especially the dates usable for the military planes flights and boats departures, which schedules haven’t nothing common with commercial ones. I repeat that all the necessary authorisations are in hand. Believe us about our will to do a most perfect as possible dxpedition to the Glorioso. For that, safety first is our goal. Know if it could be easy to go, the Gloriosos rank in the most wanted list will not be n°4. For another island in the Eparses, Europa 2003, we had to work several years to prepare it before doing. All the ham operators are personnels of the French Military Defense and they have all a professional assignments which have priority over all, included the Ham radio Dxpedition. The major risks on the zone doesn’t allow to include civilian ham ops in the crew. No date is fixed to day, but I’m doïng all my best to lead Gloriosos 2008 before the end of this year, It must be said that without all combined elements gathered, I prefer postpone the operations as often as it will be necessary I continue to work hard to put the Gloriosos on the air and know that’s not very easy. 73’s de Didier, F5OGL - Gloriosos 2008 team leader
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Pridružen: 07 Avg 2002, 23:05
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Re: FR/G Glorioso Islands

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 15 Maj 2009, 21:49

S50U napisal/-a:Dela gredo počasi k koncu, glede DXpedicije pa še nič dorečenega

Dokler jih ne slišim tri dni zapored na radiju ne verjamem nič... :wink: CUL Danilo, S50U

The long-awaited DXpedition to Glorioso (AF-011) is now expected to take place in July. Three or four military radio amateurs, along with two film-makers from the Defence Press Service, will be on the island on 9-28 July. The team (including F5PRU, F5IRO, F5TLN, and maybe F4EGS or F5RQQ) will be active with three stations on 160-6 metres on as many modes as possible. Callsign to be announced, QSL via F5OGL. A log search will be available and updated on a daily basis at
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Prispevkov: 559
Pridružen: 07 Avg 2002, 23:05
Kraj: Cíerkna

Re: FR/G Glorioso Islands

OdgovorNapisal/-a S51AY » 30 Maj 2009, 13:32

Tudi jaz sem prav radoveden. Če končno bo, bo veselo ! Zaenkrat pa se še samo hvalijo s številom obiskov njihove strani, itd. Upajmo, da res bo !
73 de Arpi-S51AY , HSC#1267, CTC#2268, EPC#3826, FH#1448, DMC#2139, 30MDG#3904, BDM#0288, TRC#005SLO, NDG#0851, HPC#451, ERC#0989
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Re: FR/G Glorioso Islands

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 30 Jun 2009, 18:52

S51AY napisal/-a:Če končno bo, bo veselo !

Khmmm ... Odloženo, namreč na otoku ni varno pristajati ampak zato se bosta pridružila še dva OP-a koncem Augusta. Današnji crash Jemenskega A310 bi FR/G DXpedicijo najverjetneje tako ali tako preložil.

CUL Danilo, S50U

The Gloriosos 2009 is a new time postponed because of flight problems. We think, however, the DXpedition could be begin at the end of August. The runway on Grande Glorieuse suffers heavy problems of stability which have to be solved very quickly, in next July, to allow again the jumbo planes landing with full security. This postponing will allow us to include new operators, David, F8CRS, and Bernard, F5LPY. Seven operators will go to FT5G. Three stations will be active 24h a day and the 3rd dedicated to monitor the 6 meter. This last station will be used back on HF if propagation opens the lower bands. The length of the stay is always scheduled for three weeks if no other change will happen. We must once again remain all of you, that the landing on these islands is very difficult and the Go signal is given only when all the security measures are in place, known and applied. We have to thank a lot for their help, the French Australes and Antarctic Territories Administration, The South Indian Ocean Zone Forces Headquarter, and the Commandment of the French Foreign Legion detachment in Mayotte. More News to be published in due time.

Gloriosos 2009 crew
A part these two texts, we can say, even if the first event which made the July 2009 Gloriosos, postponed haven’t happen, the today’s aircrash of the Yemenia A310 at sea, after 2 hours of flight, is a new event which might have made the DXpedition postponed in any case. The plane which will have been used to come from La Reunion to Glorieuses, is now on the zone and participates to the researches of survivings for an unknown lenght of time... These events and to reinforce the runway have been considered by the French Authorities. For the most security, please wait again with us some more weeks. Didier will inform you with more details if necessary in due time. 73 Maurice, F5NQL
Linux is like living in a teepee. No Windows, no Gates and an Apache in house!
S50CLX Cerkno LinuX dx cluster
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Prispevkov: 559
Pridružen: 07 Avg 2002, 23:05
Kraj: Cíerkna

Re: FR/G Glorioso Islands

OdgovorNapisal/-a S55DX » 20 Avg 2009, 11:46

Zadnje novice:

August 19, 2009

The FT5GA team has in hand, the flight tickets from Paris CdG to the St Denis Réunion Island airport. The departure is scheduled on September 11th and the return on October 8th.

The information about the French Forces Transall flight from Saint Denis to Grande Glorieuse will be published as soon as the FASZOI Hq will have confirmed them. (FASZOI = French Armed Forces for the South Indian Ocean Zone)

The stay on Grand Glorieuse is considered having about three weeks length.

All the gear has been picked up and is now ready packed on pallets, to be sent to the Reunion island, in the next few days. Thanks especially for that to the Provins ARC, F6KOP members Serge, F6AML and Frank, F4AJQ.
73 de Milan, S 5 5 D X
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Re: FR/G Glorioso Islands

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 29 Avg 2009, 13:51

S55DX napisal/-a:Zadnje novice:

Pozornost bo več ali manj usmerjena na KV vseeno bodo s seboj imeli 2 el. HB9CV za 6m navkljub slabim obetom po pileupih na 50 mega. CUL Danilo, S50U

August 25, 2009

GLORIOSOS 2009 and Magic band.
The propagation forecast for the Magic band from Gloriosos is very bad at the expedition time, quite in all directions. Taking advice from 6 meters specialists, they inform us that chances to give FT5GA to world hams are very low and even less. The only one antenna available is a 2 element HB9CV, with no other possibility to bring an or several other more efficient one(s), included for EME ; So it has been considered we had to focus on HF bands. So we sadly decided to concentrate our activity only from 160 to 10 meters... We ask the 6m community to understand our decision. 73's de Didier, F5OGL - Gloriosos 2009 team leader
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S50CLX Cerkno LinuX dx cluster
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Prispevkov: 559
Pridružen: 07 Avg 2002, 23:05
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Re: FR/G Glorioso Islands

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 07 Sep 2009, 15:26

S55DX napisal/-a:Zadnje novice:

Dve paleti robe gresta jutri za smer FR5 nato FT/G. CUL Danilo, S50U

FT/G, GLORIOSO ISLAND (Update). Didier, F5OGL, Glorioso 2009 team leader, sent out a press release (dated September 7th) stating that the FT5GA team (which includes Didier/F5OGL, Yves/F5PRU and Franco/F4EVR) picked up 291 kg of gear (transceivers, PAs, power supplies, antennas, masts and miscellaneous stuff). It was delivered to Mr. Alain Lefellec, the export freight manager of the "Logfret Inc." (international freight service), located at "Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport". The team thanks him for his kind reception and his help to make this expedition a success. Two pallets of equipment will fly tomorrow to the Reunion Island, where they will be transported by the freight service to the Air Force Base 181. The team now has in their hands the authorization to transmit on the Radio Amateur Service bands, from Grande Glorieuse. The document of authorization can be viewed at the bottom of the "Glorieuses 2009" Web page at:
Linux is like living in a teepee. No Windows, no Gates and an Apache in house!
S50CLX Cerkno LinuX dx cluster
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Prispevkov: 559
Pridružen: 07 Avg 2002, 23:05
Kraj: Cíerkna

Re: FR/G Glorioso Islands

OdgovorNapisal/-a S51AY » 15 Sep 2009, 15:09

Danes pa so zares začeli, neverjetno... :D Zgleda, zaenkrat samo s 100W, pa samo na 20m SSB ? Verjetno v tako kratkem času še niso uspeli postaviti vseh anten. Verjetno ste jih že mnogi poklofali. Torej, po dolgih letih je Gloričev Jozo spet med nami ! Zame je bil new one.
73 de Arpi-S51AY , HSC#1267, CTC#2268, EPC#3826, FH#1448, DMC#2139, 30MDG#3904, BDM#0288, TRC#005SLO, NDG#0851, HPC#451, ERC#0989
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Re: FR/G Glorioso Islands

OdgovorNapisal/-a S51AY » 19 Sep 2009, 12:08

Pa sem "čorav"... FR/G/DJ8CR imam 4 band QSL, samo novi band je bil... :x :oops:
73 de Arpi-S51AY , HSC#1267, CTC#2268, EPC#3826, FH#1448, DMC#2139, 30MDG#3904, BDM#0288, TRC#005SLO, NDG#0851, HPC#451, ERC#0989
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 1149
Pridružen: 01 Jan 2006, 11:01
Kraj: Lendava

Re: FR/G Glorioso Islands

OdgovorNapisal/-a S58T » 27 Okt 2009, 20:22

Danes popoldne so se zveze z FT5GA potrdile na LOTW. To je bilo pa hitro!

Še K5M kartica, pa imam RTTY Honor roll , zanj sem potreboval 11 let in 1 mesec. Po mojih podatkih je bil nahitrejši dosedaj KK5OQ - v 15 letih.

V staro lampo je spet kanilo malo novega olja.

Miro S58T
Zadnjič spremenil S58T, dne 27 Okt 2009, 22:02, skupaj popravljeno 1 krat.
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Re: FR/G Glorioso Islands

OdgovorNapisal/-a S58RAF » 27 Okt 2009, 21:08

Čestitam. To je manj kot 12 let. ;)
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