Rwanda, 9X0R

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Rwanda, 9X0R

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 12 Jan 2008, 13:24

Na začetku leta kar nekaj aktivnih DXpedicij. 10 operatorjev iz Rwande, 9X0R predvidoma v Marcu 2008. :lol: CUL Danilo, S50U

January the Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency issued an amateur radio licence (9X0R) to Antonio Gonzalez, EA5RM, and a DXpedition is being planned to take place in a couple of months' time. "RURA is trying to establish amateur radio rules in Rwanda with the help of Peter, 9X5SP", Antonio says, and adds that "in a few months ham radio activities will start to be more usual from this country". Antonio and his team are grateful to RURA General Director and Peter, 9X5SP for their help and cooperation, and "happy and proud for our little contribution to the future of amateur radio in Rwanda". Full details about the DXpedition will be available at ; questions and comments can be sent to
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