EZ - QRT !

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EZ - QRT !

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 17 Feb 2007, 10:54

Zakaj ni EZ-jev tudi za MTPL ne ?! CUL Danilo, S50U

EZ, TURKMENISTAN (Where are they?). Nodir, EY8MM, provides the following press release (edited):

"Dear friends, colleagues!
Turkmenistan Radio Amateur League regrets to inform that: Starting from 2006, the Turkmenistan Ministry of Communications, without any official explanations, refuses to give radio-amateur sportsmen of Turkmenistan permission to use amateur radio stations. With deep regret, we inform that we have no further opportunity to work on the air and to represent our country in different international competitions. We also announce with deep regret that BARKELOV RUDOLF IOSIFOVICH -an honoured radio sport instructor, Turkmenistan Radio Amateur League radiotelegraphists1 teacher, and GUBENKO ALEKSANDR EFIMOVICH - an active first category radio-amateur - ex UH8AS (had no time to restore under the prefix EZ) left this world for a better one. Moreover fell forever silent the preliminary calls: EZ8BO ex UH8BO - of the oldest and most active radio-amateur, till 2003 - a president of Turkmenistan Radio Amateur League - ZVONTSOV EVGENIY MIKHAYLOVICH, and EZ8DI ex UH8DI - of a former chief of the central joint radio station UH8KAA ex UK8HAA, UH9AWA-SHABALIN VLADIMIR BORISOVICH. Memory of them will live on forever in our hearts! For information that is more detailed you can contact: 'Turkmenistan Radio Amateur League', POB 555, 744020 Ashgabat, Turkmenistan." Chairman of Board - B.T. ADAKOV (EZ8AI) Secretary of Board - V.P. ZINEVICH (EZ8BP)
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