VP2M - Monserrat

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VP2M - Monserrat

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 24 Jan 2007, 13:22

Taprava klofarija od 29 jan - 06 feb. z nekaj adrenalina bi znala biti za klapo iz vulkanskega observatorija na otoku Monserrat. :D CUL Danilo, S50U

Members of the "Buddipole Users on Montserrat" (BUMS) will mount a DXpedition to the island of Montserrat (NA-103) from January 29th to Feburary 6th, 2007. It seems DXpeditions have now moved from Microlite to Ultralite. DXpedition team members will pack light for this DXpedition taking only lightweight transceivers and portable antennas. The maximum equipment weight taken to the island will be 100 pounds per person. With this lightweight equipment, the team plans many on island portable operations in the hills, on the beach, and from the volcano observatory on the southern part of the island. The team members mentioned are (updated): Budd/W3FF/VP2MFF, Chris/W6HFP/VP2MHF, Paul/KB9AVO/VP2MVO, Mike/KC4VG/VP2MVG, Tom/W4OKW/VP2MTC, Bob/AB7ST/VP2MST, Dan/WZ1P (No VP2 callsign yet), Scott/NE1RD/VP2MRD and Dave/KZ1O. Activity will be on all bands 160-6 meters, CW, SSB, PSK31, RTTY and SSTV. QSL via NE1RD. Check their Web site for more information and updates at: http://dxpedition-vp2m.com/ Also, you can follow along with the planning, preparation, execution, and follow through on this DXpedition through NE1RD's blog, "The 100 Pound DXpedition", at: http://100pounddxpedition.blogspot.com
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