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OdgovorObjavljeno: 09 Apr 2022, 19:00
Napisal/-a S54X
Za tiste, ki ne zdržite več kot 1 uro pri postaji + obožujete "peš" tipkanje:
Jutri kratek contest; posredujem vabilo od Feco, HA8KW:

April 10th, 2022 between 15:00-16:00 UTC (17:00-18:00 MEZ) Straight Key Contest (HSKC) on 80m CW.
Updated rules can be found in the attached pdf file, which is available also on the renewed HSKC website:
Now the Multi OP categories (MOA and MOB) are available again!
Attention, important note!
Do not send log in e-mail! Instead of sending it by e-mail from now you should only use the upload feature on HSKC website! ( It is much easier, safer and quicker!
You are welcome on 80 m band next Sunday afternoon!
We would be more than happy if you could further share this info among your CW-fan friends!