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Težave pri programiranju FT-7800

OdgovorObjavljeno: 19 Apr 2010, 13:46
Napisal/-a s55x

imam težave pri programiranju postaje Yaesu FT-7800.
Normalno namestim program na PC. Ko želim iz postaje prenesti določene podatke na PC mi pa ravno pred koncom prenosa javi napako ker v direktoriju kamor sem namestil program ni datoteke Debug.sys .
Se je kdo srečal s podobnimi težavami?

Aja še tu, uporabljam 32bitni Windows 7.

Re: Težave pri programiranju FT-7800

OdgovorObjavljeno: 19 Apr 2010, 14:43
Napisal/-a s55o
Stric google pravi takole :

N7PV Rating: 5/5 Feb 8, 2006 19:59 Send this review to a friend
Excellent Support Time owned: more than 12 months
I recently started using a new PC with the Win XP operating system. After loading and updating (via the RT Systems website) the ADMS-2K software, I was unable to save data read from my FT7800. It took a number of tries but Rod Thompson of RT Systems stayed with it and finally found the problem. Win XP was, in its infinite wisdom, applying the update to the wrong file. Kudos to Rod for a good product and great customer support.

Re: Težave pri programiranju FT-7800

OdgovorObjavljeno: 19 Apr 2010, 17:33
Napisal/-a s55x
Urejeno, spremenil sem združljivost v XP SP2 in stvar dela kot mora.
Hvala lepa! :)