Nova verzija Logger32 ver.3.18

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Nova verzija Logger32 ver.3.18

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 09 Mar 2009, 21:11

Pripravljena je nova verzija Logger32 ver. 3.18.
Prevod bo pripravljen v nekaj dneh. Spodaj si lahko ogledate kaj je novega v tej verziji:
Release change notes for Ver 3.18.0 as of.....4 March 2009


a) A new Language file will be required.

b) Users of a soundcard with the MMvari module and/or the inbuilt DVK
would be well advised to take note of items 16 and 17 below.

1) The number of slots for Utility programs has been expanded from 10 to 20.

2) A problem specific to the FT-1000D frequency/mode decoding found and

3) It is now possible to arrange for a capitals only input to a log input
user field provided that the field definition is one of the USER# ADIF
fields. The option to do this will ONLY appear if the ADIF field of USER
1,2 or 3 is being used.

4)The user set condition of the "Elapsed time" option in "Tooltip" from the
"DXspot window" was not being remembered correctly in the configuration file

5) A new ADIF field (Logger32 to application) APP_RADIO_MODE_SECONDARY has
been added to the external interface. This is the same as APP_RADIO_MODE,
but is sent when the Mode of the secondary radio changes.
Also added new message 104 (logger32 to application). This is the same as
message 100, but is sent when the secondary radio frequency changes.

6) Tooltips from the toolbar are now "always on top".

7)The LotW sync function had one option broken. Now repaired.

8) There was a bug in the code for the display of the frequency ribbon when
running MMTTY with the radio in LSB which added 1kHz to the figures. Bug

9) An unnecessary space character has been removed from just after the
frequency component in a SH/DX/XX reply from a cluster.

10) Fixed a problem with Icom radios where Logger32 incorrectly detected
poll replies when there were none.

11) Code to capture DX Spots by double click on the Telnet Window
implemented on the TNC Window.

12 - Bug fix where FT-857 did not work correctly as the SO2R radio.

13) After switching CAT-control off using the external interface message 11
and switching it on again with message 12, polling of the active transceiver
would not start again. Bug cleared.

14) Two macros added - $stx$ and $srx$. These macros apply to Sound Card
Data Window and Data Terminal only. In theory, the content of these fields
in the Logbook Entry Window will be transmitted.

15) Bug fixed where completion of auto-lookup could cause beam
heading/distance calculation errors.

16) Change made to the way MMVARI input and output sound devices are
remembered in Logger32. Previously, the device ID# was remembered. This
caused problems for those using virtual sound devices because the
enumeration seems to be somewhat random. In this version the input and
output sound device type/name is remembered. When MMVARI is used, the
current device ID for that device is checked and the number given to MMVARI.
If you use other than the default audio devices, it is necessary to setup
MMVARI input and output sound devices again so that the new code takes

17) Change made to DVK sound card selection. Logger32 now remembers the
selected device name and not the device number (same as the previous release
where change was made to the MMVARI sound card selection). Users who use
the DVK with a sound card will need to setup the sound device for the
changes to become effective.

18) Addition of PSK-USB to the digital radio mode to operational mode
selection list.

Notes for ver 3.18.000 Countries/Prefixes Database update of 2009.03.06:

Removed special callsign <K5D> from Desecheo Island.
Added special callsign <GB0ATC> to GM, Scotland
Added callsign <SV0XBQ> to SV9, Crete

Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

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