Nova verzija Logger-ja 3.15

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Nova verzija Logger-ja 3.15

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 24 Nov 2008, 20:32

Danes je bila objavljena nova verzija Logger 32 in sicer ver. 3.15.
Dosedanji slovenski DLL ni več primeren in bo v kratkem pripravljen novi, ki bo odgovarjal ver.3.15.
Nova verzija ima kar nekaj novosti. Osebno mi je najbolj všeč označba v DX spots oknu, da si določeno postajo že delal na obsegu oz. obsegu/načinu dela, ter podatek koliko je "star" DX spot!
Sicer pa si sami oglejte podrobnosti spodaj:

Release change notes for Ver 3.15.0 as of....... 22 Nov 2008

Note: New language files will need to be generated/used for this release..

1) The selection of soundcard(s) when running under MMVari changed to match that of MMTTY. When running MMVARI, see new option under SETTINGS | MMVARI SETTINGS | SOUND CARD SETUP.

2) When running MMVARI, a cursor placed on the Audio Freq pane on the Sound Card Data Window status bar will produce a Tool Tip showing the Sound Card (and device number) selected for the current Transmit/Receive state.

3) Changes made to better handle/decode calls like VK9DWX. If the callsign has a VK9 prefix, and a three letter suffix, then the Country lookup ignores the first letter of the suffix. In the VK9DWX example, the lookup will be the same as VK9WX. The <VK9DWX> alternate prefix can be removed from the database(s),

4) New menu option(s) have been introduced to show the time elapsed since a dxspot report in the mouseover tooltips for the Bandmaps, the IOTA and DX spot maps in the tracking windows as well as for the DXSpot table.

- for the bandmaps use the menu CONFIG | SHOW TIPS.

- for the tracking window - select the appropriate map using the tabs and then right click on the map and select CONFIGURE TIPS.

- for dxspot table - use SETUP|TOOLTIPS

5) New option(s) have been introduced to show "This station worked before this band" and " Worked before this band/mode" in a new column in the Dxspot table. It will be necessary to readjust the DXspot window column widths initially.

6) The CSV export program was not implementing one of the CSV export rules. In particular, embedded double-quotes must each be represented
by a pair of consecutive double quotes. Also removed the blank line Logger32 originally introduced under the header. Bug(s) corrected.

7) There has been a change in the data format returned from a lookup. Changes made to match the revised data format which solves the problem of erroneous Lat/Long and/or calculated Grid references.

8) Fixed a bug where under certain conditions the worked/confirmed table could be in error following a QSO delete.

9) Improvements made to the decoding of callsigns where the Operator callsign and the portable location are the same length (example: CE0Y/N6NO).

10) Bug fixed where the CLEAR | TX BUFFER menus would only work while transmitting.

11) WPX calculation bug fixed.

The following changes are included in the Country databases:

o Added CE0Y to Easter Island (CE0) alternate prefix list.
o Corrected location field for EA1 within EA (Spain) to say "La Rioja".
o Corrected location field for SV2 within SV (Greece) to say "Drama".
o Corrected location field for SV7 within SV (Greece) to say "Komotini".
o Added specific callsign <TO2HI> to FG (Guadeloupe).
o Added specific callsigns <5K0T> & <HK0/HK3JJH> to HK0 (San Andres).
o Deleted specific callsign <HK0/HK3JJH> from HK0 (Malpelo) and added specific
callsign <HK3JJH/HK0> since that's what his QSL card from his Malpelo
DXpeditions shows.

Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

Re: Nova verzija Logger-ja 3.15

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 27 Nov 2008, 12:16

Danes sem posla prevod za verzijo Loggerja 3.15 Prasadu VU2PTT, da jo da na WEB.
Če se komu mudi jo lahko dobi peko E-maila!

Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

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