Nova verzija Logger32 ver. 3.9

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Nova verzija Logger32 ver. 3.9

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 14 Feb 2008, 00:02

Danes je bila objavljena nova verzija Logger32 ver.3.9.
Slovenski prevod je že bil poslan VU2PTT, da ga da na WEB stran, upam, da bo kmalu gor!
Za vse tiste, ki ste "pozabili" sproti prehajati na nove verzije, so sedaj na voljo vse vmesne verzije prehodov na isti WEB strani, tako da ne bi smelo biti več težav s prehodi.

Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

Re: Nova verzija Logger32 ver. 3.9

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 14 Feb 2008, 15:11

s57u napisal/-a:Danes je bila objavljena nova verzija Logger32 ver.3.9.

Release change notes for Ver 3.9.0 as of....... 8 Feb 08

Once again there have been changes to the menus. Existing language files will not work. Users will need to update their language DLL.

There have also been changes to the external interface and as a result current applications designed to work with this will probably not work at all. FreqManager and CheckCall are two such programs. Authors of these programs have been involved in the development of the new interface so they are well aware of the situation. They will issue upgraded software to match the new interface in their own time.

1) The focus of Logger32 ver 3.9 has been the coding of a revised external interface. Details are contained in the help file.

2) Fixed a bug associated with the Monitor Band Maps

3) The DX Activity Window is now sizeable.

4) As requested, see new menu item ... Right click on DX Spot Window. Click SETUP | HIGHLIGHT CALLSIGN CELL ONLY
[Help file change - GWA]

5) Corrected a bug which gave port error messages in the DVK.

6) Support now included for the Elecraft K2/K3. Modes supported are the same as Kenwood: LSB, USB, CW, AM, RTTY, CW-R, RTTY-R.
Adding the following (examples only) to the Logger32.INI will add filter selection commands when setting/changing the K2/K3 mode by CAT.

[Elecraft Filter n]

Where n is 1 or 2 (for radio 1 or 2), XX represents the command prefix letters and pppppp represents the command parameter

7) New feature added/supported when using the generic Kenwood - All radio control. Adding the following (examples only) to the Logger32.INI will add filter selection commands when setting/changing the Kenwood mode by CAT.

[Kenwood Filter n]

Where n is 1 or 2 (for radio 1 or 2), XX represents the command prefix letters and pppppp represents the command parameter

The Radio Modes supported by the generic Kenwood All selection are CW, RTTY, FSK, FSK-R, CW-R AM, FM, LSB and USB.

8.) ICOM USERS PLEASE NOTE; For consistency, the user input for Icom filter selection has been changed (both the Logger32.INI section and item names. An example of the new Loger32.INI format is:

[Icom Filter n] where n is 1 or 2 (for radio 1 or 2)
CW Normal=01
CW Narrow=02
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CW port

OdgovorNapisal/-a S53U » 20 Feb 2008, 22:26

Ne najdem vzroka, kje sem povozil nastavitve za CW port. V N1MM mi vse dobro oddaja, v Loggerju kjer pa ni bilo nikoli težav pa mi na tipke pri oddajajanju le tjuna. nastavitve so sotale iste v LPT porto kot prej???
73 de S53U (exS53QD), Branko.
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Re: CW port

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 21 Feb 2008, 14:47

S53QD napisal/-a:Ne najdem vzroka, kje sem povozil nastavitve za CW port. ?

Preveri CW.INI file ... za primer ... jaz grem čez LPT vrata. Več ali manj je joke le v nastavitvah vrat Parallel Port Address kjer je za LPT1 naslov &H378. Če uporabljaš kakšna druga preveri naslov v Device Manager-ju svojih Windozov. CUL Danilo, S50U

[frmMorseMachine Settings]
Disable Polling=False
Slow Typing=ON
Dash Length= 3
Word Space= 7
Letter Space= 3
PTT Delay=50
Port to Use=Parallel
Parallel Port Address=&H378
Dedicated Serial Port=None
F Keys Visible=True
On Top=1
Keyer to Use=Software

makroji ..... itd
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OdgovorNapisal/-a s57nbt » 17 Jun 2008, 16:06

Me lahko prosim kdo razsvetli, kako iz logbooka pogledam narejene lokatorje?
Tu seveda mislim tako, da mi ob pritisku na neko ikono logger32 odpre zemljevid, ki ga lahko povečujem in pomanjšujem, ter nekako označi, katere lokatorje sem vnesel.
Pod F1 ni kaj za najti...
Očitno mi računalniki ne ležijo najbolj :-?
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Re: Nova verzija Logger32 ver. 3.9

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57nbt » 29 Jun 2008, 16:22

v 14 dnevih ni nihče ki to zna tega prečital?
A ta funkcija sploh obstaja?
LP !
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Prispevkov: 289
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Re: Nova verzija Logger32 ver. 3.9

OdgovorNapisal/-a S53F » 30 Jun 2008, 16:58

Logger 32 nima te možnosti, da bi lahko gledal na zemljevidu kaj imaš delano, ampak je možnost ta, da klikneš gor na vrhu na Awards, izbereš Simple awards, Grid squares in se ti odpre okno z delanimi in potrjenimi lokatorji.
73 de Vinko, S53F
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