Nova verzija LOgger-ja

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Nova verzija LOgger-ja

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 29 Maj 2008, 23:43

Pred nekaj dnevi je bila objavljena nova verzija Logger ver 3.10.
Pravkar sem poslal slovenski prevod VU2PTT, upam, da bo na Logger strani v dnevu ali dveh.

Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

Zopet nova verzija Logger-ja

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 02 Jun 2008, 13:12

Zaradi nekaterih napak je izšla nov averzija Logger-ka ver 3.11.
Slovenski prevod za 3.10 deluje tudi na verziji 3.11 !!!

Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

Re: Zopet nova verzija Logger-ja

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 02 Jun 2008, 13:42

s57u napisal/-a:izšla nov averzija Logger-ka ver 3.11.

Release change notes for Ver 3.11.0 as of....... 1 Jun 08

1) A small number of users didn't like the the global capture of CTL_A and ALT_A by Logger32 as this interfered with the same key combination in Excel, Access etc. For these people a new option has been introduced. See new option under SETUP | ROTOR. Default setting is OFF. If you are used to the global setting as in 3.9.0 then make sure you turn this ON...

2) As in 1) above the same comment was made about the CTL_T function. See new option under SETUP | RADIO The default setting is OFF. [ctl_T] If you are used to the global setting as in 3.9.0 then make sure you turn this ON...

3) IOTA Activity Window now displays W, C and V in the table(s).

4) The $log$ and $logimmediate$ macros failed to function in the cw machine following an automatic opening of the CW machine as Logger32 started. Bug corrected

5) Added a message #18. lParam of 1 will turn radio polling off. lParam of 0 will turn the radio polling back on.

6) Code changes made to limit the Telnet ping retries to a max of 5, then give up in disgust.

7) Bug sort out of macros when used with SO2R switching.
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OdgovorNapisal/-a s55z » 02 Jun 2008, 16:23

Nazadnje sem Logger32 nadgrajeval v verziji 3.06... na spletni strani vidim, da se nadgrajuje iz 3.09... Je treba torej prej nadgraditi na verzijo 3.09?
VY 73 & GL, Dragan S55Z, EPC #0760
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OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 02 Jun 2008, 16:48

Pravilno je nadgrajevanje po številčnem vrsten redu. Lahko pa poskusiš
z najnovejšo verzijo VENDAR je potrebno najprej narediti varnostno kopijo
vseh baz in izvoziti dnevnik v ADIF format, za vsak slučaj!!!

Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

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