Contest ATV 2015

Amaterska TV

Moderator: s55o

Contest ATV 2015

OdgovorNapisal/-a s58ru » 12 Dec 2014, 08:10

Leto 2015 nam prinaša radikalne spremembe, kar zadeva ATV tekmovanja.
Contest IARU reg. 1 ATV bo 13.06.2015 od 12:00 do 14.06.2015 do
18:00 po GMT.
Za italijanske razmere so združili IARU Contest ter Ancona Contest.
Prispevkov: 1074
Pridružen: 28 Okt 2004, 21:07

Re: Contest ATV 2015

OdgovorNapisal/-a s58ru » 12 Dec 2014, 08:29

Amendment of IARU-R1 ATV Contest Rules
At the interim meeting of the VHF/UHF/Microwaves Committee in Vienna, April 2013, VERON proposed a major update of the IARU-R1 ATV contest rules. (Refer Document VIE13_C5_13). Because the meeting could not reach an agreement, it was decided to post the topic into the Wiki for further discussion.
The discussion in the Wiki, intended as preparation for the consideration of this document by the conference, resulted in the ATV contest rules as reflected in Annex 1. The lay-out has been changed to make the contest rules less complicated to understand and easy to maintain, so it is not really possible to compare the changes with the current rules line by line.
It is proposed:
1. That the IARU-R1 ATV contest rules shall be modified as indicated in Annex 1 of this paper.

2. That section 5.7 of the VHF Managers Handbook shall be updated accordingly.

The current IARU-R1 ATV contest rules are mentioned in section 5.7 of the VHF Managers Handbook version 6.12. An amendment of this section is proposed.
Highlights of the change:
- Layout: More like international standards as Cenelec and ISO. By having separated the definitions and responsibilities, the readability improves (less complex) and is more easy to change (in later case) without disturbing the whole text.
- More contacts with the same station are valid, if the station moved at least 5 km. Requirements for that (transmitting new codes and new log sheets for the moved station) are included.
- Remote stations are made possible; in fact as long as it is not a repeater that is used, all ATV contacts are valid.
- Extended time period; Saturday and Sunday afternoons added. (It is of course not an obligation to be active the whole period but it is at least possible to be active if available).

- Section 2 removed. This section was for stations that only receive ATV without having contact with the transmitting station. If the receiving station is close near a very active station, automatically a lot of stations will be seen, because the transmitting stations point their antenna into that direction. If the receive only station is not near an active station, nothing would be seen because no one will point their antenna into that direction, resulting in a not honest competition. Moreover no one participates in this section since years. It is not really realistic these days to have no contact with the transmitting station with new technology like DXspot, etc. Having section 2 confuses also participants that do receive only but have contact with the transmitting station. (They should be in section 1). Removing section 2 improved also readability of the contest rules.
- Reporting is made less complicated: no one cares about sound, etc.
- Report P0 to P5: use of digital modes is included.
- Timeframes for judging the logs: local contest manager within four weeks, IARU contest manager six weeks after the contest. March 2014, the results of the September 2013 contest are still not available! It is an understatement to say that this does not motivate participants of the IARU ATV contests.
- The use of the standard Excel format for the logs is strongly recommended. This log sheet includes support of 10 characters Maidenhead locator, calculates distance, points and direction. The English version includes all bands that are currently in use for ATV. Translation to the country needs should be no problem (as the fields and formulas are not subject of change).
- Contest date: moved from the second full weekend of September to the second full weekend in June. Many countries do already have their local ATV contest in June, so this new date really fits. It is also better for tropo possibilities and /P stations. Furthermore, for several years there is a date conflict between the ATV contest and the IBC TV industry show in Amsterdam.
Amendment of IARU-R1 ATV Contest Rules

5.7.1 Goal Stimulation of ATV activity by organizing a yearly international ATV contest.

5.7.2 Terms and Definitions ATV contest: Competition of licensed or receive-only ATV stations in a certain period of time, on each UHF/Microwave band on which ATV transmissions are allowed, using the mode(s) authorised for that band. The distance between stations that make contacts on several bands define the number of earned points. Repeater: A public (amateur) service that (re)transmits received signals that are intended to be received by more than one person. Station: Any person (or group of persons using one call sign) within IARU Region 1 that is able to transmit and/or receive Amateur Television signals from their own location or remotely, without being a repeater. No more than one transmitter may be in use at the same time. Rover station: Any station that is not fixed to one location that moves at least a minimum of five kilometres. Every time location is changed the moving station should be considered as a new station with the same call sign. For that reason a new log sheet and four digit code should be used by the moving station. Four digit code: Four random chosen digits. The digits shall neither be the same (e.g. 2222) nor consecutive (e.g. 4567 or 5432). Contact: Contacts are considered to be valid when a four digit code that is transmitted by another ATV station is received. Contacts made via repeaters or transponders are not considered as a contact. IARU locator: The six, eight or ten digits of the Maidenhead locator which is related to the longitude and latitude coordinates of the actual position of the antennae that are used during the contact. Vision report: The internationally recognized codes P0 to P5:
Analogue Digital
P0 No picture perceived No picture perceived
P1 Synchronisation with very little picture contents Only occasional blocks visible
P2 Only large images (call sign etc.) perceivable Sufficient blocks to read call signs
P3 Picture noisy but some detail resolved Some blocking
VA14_C5_19 VERON Amendment of IARU-R1 ATV Contest Rules Page
P4 Picture slightly noisy, but with good detail and resolution Occasional blocking
P5 Noise-free picture Solid picture Log sheet: A log sheet has a format not smaller than A4, containing all information that is needed to judge the contacts made and claimed points. It consists of a standard cover sheet and data sheets for every individual band (annex A).

1) A standard cover sheet contains the essential information required to judge the contest entry. The following information shall be submitted:
- name and address of the (first) operator,
- station call sign,
- IARU locator,
- bands used, with the transmitted four-digit code group used for each band,
- claimed score for each band.
The coversheet should show the signature of the (first) operator certifying the correctness of the log(s) submitted. In case of digital delivery of the log, typed name is the alternative of the signature.
2) Data sheets for every individual band containing the following columns in the order named:

- date,
- time in UTC,
- call sign of the station worked/seen,
- report sent: P# report followed by serial number,
- report received: P# report followed by serial number,
- (seen) four digit code,
- IARU locator received,
- number of points claimed.
It is strongly recommended to use the Excel sheet that is developed especially for this purpose (see Appendix 1A).
5.7.3 Responsibilities Contestants: Operate within the letter and spirit of the contest and in accordance with their licences of their country. Stations operating under special high power licenses shall do so "hors concours". Completion and delivery of the entry. National ATV manager, VHF manager or the National Contest Committee: Judge logs in time, send the results within four weeks after the contest to the IARU ATV manager. IARU ATV contest manager: Organize, judge logs in time, issue results within six weeks after the contest.
5.7.4 Contest Date of contest. The contest will be held in the second full weekend of June. Duration of the contest. The contest will commence at 12:00 UTC on the Saturday and will end at 18:00 UTC on the Sunday. It is recommended that the national societies will run their ATV contests at the same time as the IARU Region 1 ATV contest takes place. Contacts. For contest scoring purposes a participating station may be worked or viewed only once on each band. A roving station is considered as a new station, every time it has changed its location. Contest exchanges. The following information shall be exchanged during a contact:
1) Four digit code. For each band used, a transmitting station shall transmit the four digit code that shall not change throughout the contest. For roving stations that changed location: both transmissions should be verified by a new four digit code. For new contacts with stations that were logged before; the roving station should request the involved stations to transmit a new four digit code and mention those digits as remarks in their log sheet.
2) Call sign,
- Vision report,
- IARU locator (the location of the receiving or transmitting antennae does define the location of the station),
- Contact serial number, starting with 001 on each band used and increasing by one for each successive contact on that band, starting from one for the new log sheet in use by roving stations). Scoring. A two-way exchange of the four-digit code group by vision together with the exchange of the other information shall score:
- for contacts on the 435 MHz band: 2 points/kilometre
- for contacts on the 1.3 GHz band: 4 points/kilometre
- for contacts on higher bands: 10 points/kilometre

If only one station received the four-digit code group, and the other information was exchanged, the scores for both stations shall be reduced by 50%.
Note: for scoring purposes all valid contacts shall be deemed to have taken place over a distance of at least 5 kilometres, even if the two stations in contact have the same or adjacent IARU locators. Entries. The entries must be set out on completed log sheets. A copy of the logs shall be sent to the national ATV Manager, VHF Manager or the national Contest Committee, not later than the third Monday following the contest weekend. The submission of the logs implies that the entrant accepts these contest rules. Judging of entries. The judging of the entries shall be the responsibility of the organizing society, whose decision shall be final. Entrants deliberately contravening any of these rules or flagrantly disregarding the IARU Region 1 band plans shall be disqualified. Minor errors may result in loss of points. The claimed
contact will be disqualified for an obviously wrongly stated locator, call sign, code number or a time error of more than 10 minutes. Awards. The winner on each band and the overall leading station shall receive a certificate. The organizing society may also send certificates to all entrants if they wish so.
Appendix 1A (example log sheet)
Prispevkov: 1074
Pridružen: 28 Okt 2004, 21:07

Re: Contest ATV 2015

OdgovorNapisal/-a s58ru » 13 Dec 2014, 08:10

Contest IARU reg. 1 ATV bo 13.06.2015 od 18:00 do 14.06.2015 do
12:00 po GMT.
Popravek ni uradno potrjen. Pričakujem, da bo to storjeno v najkrajšem času.
Prispevkov: 1074
Pridružen: 28 Okt 2004, 21:07

Re: Contest ATV 2015

OdgovorNapisal/-a s58ru » 12 Mar 2015, 21:54

Contest IARU reg. 1 ATV bo 13.06.2015 od 12:00 do 14.06.2015 do
18:00 po GMT.
Prispevkov: 1074
Pridružen: 28 Okt 2004, 21:07

Re: Contest ATV 2015

OdgovorNapisal/-a oe6rke » 09 Jun 2015, 21:46

Hi skupaj,

will attend the contest from jn76lt. Look Forward to fetch some signals from you guys.

lp Robert, 73 de oe6rke
Prispevkov: 37
Pridružen: 03 Apr 2006, 13:38
Kraj: Deutschlandsberg, Austrija

Re: Contest ATV 2015

OdgovorNapisal/-a s58ru » 15 Jul 2015, 07:17

Prispevkov: 1074
Pridružen: 28 Okt 2004, 21:07

Re: Contest ATV 2015

OdgovorNapisal/-a s58ru » 16 Jul 2015, 23:16

Spoštovani g. Miha

V vednost ... _ID=267645 ... -final.pdf
Čas tekmovanja je bil krajši.
Mi ne moremo tekmovat na 70 cm.

73 s58ru

-----Original Message-----
From: s51fb []
Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2015 8:41 PM
To: Rudi pavlič
Subject: ATV

Spoštovani g. Rudi

V vednost

S spoštovanjem

Prispevkov: 1074
Pridružen: 28 Okt 2004, 21:07

Vrni se na ATV

Kdo je na strani

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