Kako se prijavim v D-Star omrežje

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Kako se prijavim v D-Star omrežje

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56RRD » 28 Dec 2013, 13:47

Zamima me kje se prijavim v D-STAR omrežje? Najbližja mi je Mrzlica.

lp S56RRD
Prispevkov: 34
Pridružen: 11 Dec 2002, 16:40
Kraj: Šentjur pri Celju

Re: Kako se prijavim v D-Star omrežje

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56UBS » 28 Dec 2013, 16:15

Za komuniciranje preko D-Star potrebuješ eno od za to namenjenih radijskuh postaj. za Uporabo ni potrebna nobena "registracija", samo pravilne nastavitve radijske postaje, nekaj navodil najdeš na http://s59dxx.uni-mb.si/aktivnosti/D-ST ... D-STAR.pdf. Rpt na Mrzlici je povezan v ircDDB omrežje, za kar prav tako ne potrebuješ registracije, informacije pa najdeš na ircDDB strani.

Prispevkov: 43
Pridružen: 18 Nov 2007, 21:28
Kraj: Ljubljana

Re: Kako se prijavim v D-Star omrežje

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56CT » 28 Dec 2013, 20:21


vse ti je napisal že Miran.

Edina zadeva, ki jo je dobro narediti, ni pa nujno, je, da pošlješ sporočilo VIS ON. Tako si viden tule:


V nasprotnem primeru bo namesto tvojega klicnega znaka izpisalo *****.

Tule je opisan postopek:

ircDDB Live Log - visibility on the Internet

The ircDDB software was developed to enable fast and reliable call sign routing. The "Live Log" and the "LastHeard" list are just a "by-product" of this functionality. After February 20th, 2011, every ham radio operator can choose whether his/her call sign will appear in the "Live Log" and the "LastHeard" list or not. So, this is just about visibility of your data on the Internet. Call sign routing works the same way as before. You don't have to enable Internet visibility for your call sign in order to use a repeater.

You have the choice between two options:

"VIS ON" means "visibility on". In this mode, detailed information about your transmissions (e.g. time, length and TX message) are shown in the "Live Log" and in the "LastHeard" list. This information is available on the Internet, and can therefore be processed automatically by other systems. If someone sees this as somewhat problematic, he or she might not want to enable this option.

"VIS ON" can be activated in a very simple way. Put "VIS___ON" in the YOURCALL field of your transceiver and press PTT once on a repeater which is connected to the ircDDB network. After that put something different in YOURCALL, e.g. "CQCQCQ__". The setting "VIS___ON" will be stored permanently on the network. You only have to do this procedure once. You can check if this procedure worked by looking at the "Live Log" web page: http://ircddb.net/live.htm. Your call sign should appear from now on if you press PTT.

Example: local repeater DB0DF, module B

YourCall: VIS___ON

The character _ must be exchanged with a space character.


"VIS OFF" means "visibility off". In this mode, only the call sign of the repeater where you pushed PTT the last time is stored internally in the IRCDDB system. This is necessary for call sign routing to work properly. This information is only shared with other repeaters and is not visible on the Internet.
In the "Live Log" and "LastHeard" lists, your call sign will be masked, both in the MyCall field of your own transmissions and in transmissions made by others who might have used your call sign in UrCall. Your TX message will also be masked.

"VIS OFF" can be activated in a very simple way. Put "VIS__OFF" in the YOURCALL field of your transceiver and press PTT once on a repeater which is connected to the ircDDB network. After that put something different in YOURCALL, e.g. "CQCQCQ__". The setting "VIS__OFF" will be stored permanently on the network. You only have to do this procedure once. You can check if this procedure worked by looking at the "Live Log" web page: http://ircddb.net/live.htm. Your call sign should not appear any longer from now on if you press PTT.

Example: local repeater DB0DF, module B

YourCall: VIS__OFF

The character _ must be exchanged with a space character.

Default setting: VIS OFF

The default setting is "VIS OFF" for all users. You have to enable visibility with the command "VIS ON" (see above) in order to appear on the "Live Log". If you want to keep the default setting "VIS OFF", you don't have to do anything.

You can switch from "VIS ON" to "VIS OFF" and vice versa at any time.

Imaš pa tudi možnost, da za svoj klicni znak registiraš DTMF kodo, kar pomeni, da te kolegi, ki imajo tvojo DTMF kodo lahko pokličejo direktno z vnosom tega DTMF-a preko tastature, brez, da bi bilo potrebno nastavljati tekstovni ukaz v postaji.

Če boš delal preko S55DZA na Mrzlici vpiši v postajo:


Repetitor ti mora odgovoriti z S55DZA G. Če imaš pod RPT2 vpisan tudi S55DZA B pomeni, da greš preko repetitorja le lokalno. Če pa vpišeš namesto CQCQCQ pod UR npr. moj klicni znak S56CT pa kličeš selektivno le mene.

Repetitor je povezan na reflector XRF150 B, strežnik v Novi Gorici na katerega sta sočasno povezana tudi S55DGO in S55DLJ. Če boš imel pod RPT2: S55DZA G boš sočasno slišen tudi na ostalih dveh repetitorjih.
73 de S56CT-Tilen
S5 RPT Manager
Prispevkov: 1107
Pridružen: 20 Jan 2002, 01:00
Kraj: Sevnica

Re: Kako se prijavim v D-Star omrežje

OdgovorNapisal/-a S56RRD » 29 Dec 2013, 07:47

Se obema zahvaljujem za pomoč. Danes ko grem ven takoj poizkusim ker z ročno postajo v hiši ne odprem repetitorja.

lp Damjan
Prispevkov: 34
Pridružen: 11 Dec 2002, 16:40
Kraj: Šentjur pri Celju

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