Instructions for DX spotting on S5 WCA page

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Instructions for DX spotting on S5 WCA page

OdgovorNapisal/-a s52o » 10 Feb 2012, 19:47

Instructions for DX spotting on S5 WCA page

On official S5 WCA page in cooperation with S50CLX DX Cluster admins prepared a table of DX spots carrying castles reference numbers and an option for sending spots with WCA reference number.


On the first page is DX cluster window showing a few WCA spots. Above it we added a new command Send WCA spot, Log in / Register which offers sending WCA DX spots on DX clusters.

Please read instructions very carefully!

1. Registration on S5 WCA page

For using DX cluster you must register on S5 WCA web page:
For registration we click on Register link which is circled with red on next picture:


After selecting Register a new window will open and in field Username you write your ham radio call sign and in field E-mail you write your e-mail address on witch after hitting Register you will get automatically generated password. Don't forget to fill in also security code (CAPTCHA code) before hitting register.

ATTENTION: In field Username you have to enter only your call sign (like: S57PZ, S50ABC, ...) and nothing else!

All registrations that in username is not call sign will be deleted!

Registration page:


2. Log in S5 WCA page

To log in to S5 WCA page you select link Log in under Send WCA spot. A Log in page opens and there you enter your call sign and password you got on your e-mail.


After confirmation with Log In you are returned on S5 WCA page and now you can start writing your alerts for WCA or with selection Send WCA spot start sending DX spots. For just writing WCA alerts you don't need to be registered or logged in. For alert you just write it in black window.


3. Sending spots

After you select Send WCA spot you are redirected on new page on S50CLX:


On right side of page you will find last 20 spots carrying WCA subject. On left side you see your Log In data and below are fields for entering spots.
It is important that you write frequency in kHz:

3531 or 3531.0
7031 or 7031.0
10121 or 10121.0
14031 or 14031.0
18081 or 18081.0
21031 or 21031.0
24911 or 24911.0
28031 or 28031.0

It is also very important that in field Remarks you always before reference number of castle write word WCA because only in that manner will DX cluster recognize WCA spot and show it correctly. Remark should look like this: WCA S5-00123 or wca s5-00123 (you may use capital or small letters)
Off course you can also spot other stations working in SOTA program. In that case you have to write in field Remarks word SOTA and then SOTA reference number. You may also leave this field empty or any other comment and it will be send as normal DX spot.

4. Password change

We recommend to all users to change their password for S5 WCA site.


You do it by selecting your call sign in right side corner of page and drop down menu will open and you select Edit My Profile and you are then on your profile page:


You scroll down to field which is on picture circled with red named New password and we enter it in both fields. Change is confirmed by pressing Update Profile.
After that you Log in on S5 WCA site with new password!
From Edit My Profile page you may return to main S5 WCA site or go directly to Send WCA spot . Options may be find on left side of page:


Registration and usage of S5 WCA pages and form for sending spots to DX cluster is for all users free of charge.

S5 WCA HQ is very thankful to Jože - S52JK and Danilo – S50U for programing and implementation of DX WCA cluster on S5 WCA portal. Their S50CLX DX Cluster web page can be visited on next link:

73 de Zvone – S57PZ
Prispevkov: 406
Pridružen: 02 Sep 2004, 21:04
Kraj: Hotavlje JN76BC

Re: Instructions for DX spotting on S5 WCA page

OdgovorNapisal/-a s50v » 19 Feb 2012, 11:23

A new feature on page for showing/sending spots on DX cluster

Last received WCA spots are now colored green for 3h:
(visible only to registrated users)


Zvone - S57PZ

Pa en lep 73 de Lovro - S50V (ex. S50LD)!
Prispevkov: 259
Pridružen: 25 Feb 2009, 13:43
Kraj: LJ/SG

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