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VP6TD - Pitcairn Is.

OdgovorObjavljeno: 07 Maj 2007, 08:30
Napisal/-a S55DX
Povzeto po 425DXN:

Tom, ZL2HGR will operate (mostly PSK and hopefully CW) as VP6TD from Pitcairn Island (OC-044) starting on 7 May until early September.

OdgovorObjavljeno: 18 Maj 2007, 07:29
Napisal/-a S55DX
Pa še iz

I will be QRV from Pitcairn Island from early May for four months, with Government duties. I plan to operate on digital modes in my spare time, with some CW and SSB. This is my first venture into DXpeditioning so please be patient.
QSL info: Direct to my home call ZL2HGR with return postage, (SAE and 1 new IRC or 2$US are required) All direct requests will be answered when I return home. Bureau cards will not be answered. Logs will be uploaded to EQSL.CC and LotW later.

Hope to work you from VP6TD! Tom Dixon

Pravkar je na 20m SSB z dokaj dobrim signalom. Kjub temu, da so zbujeni že vsi Italijani, se ga da oddelati. Lažje bo po LP.