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bo, bo, pomirte se ljudi, peter prvi bo

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57l » 12 Jun 2005, 11:56

Date: June 9, 2005

From: Team co-leaders:
Ralph Fedor, KØIR and Bob Allphin, K4UEE

Peter I DXpedition, 2006


The Peter I DXpedition is scheduled for early 2006. We are pleased to announce that contracts have been signed with two Chilean companies to provide a vessel and helicopter for the DXpedition to Peter I, Antarctica during Jan/Feb. 2006. The actual dates of the operation will be released on or about Sept 1, 2005, but the general time frame will be between January 16 and the end of February, 2006. The actual dates depend on the vessel scheduling and weather considerations.

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Pridružen: 16 Dec 2004, 18:06

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