Tonga A3

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Tonga A3

OdgovorNapisal/-a 9a7yy » 16 Okt 2015, 07:58

During 27.OCT - 10.NOV we decided to spend our holiday on Tonga (A3). Our time-schedule is:

OC-049_Tongatapu - 27.10. - 29.10. and 10.11. - 12.11.
OC-169_Háapai - 29.10. - 3. 11.
OC-064_Vaváu - 3.11. - 10.11.

We have "booked" call A35OK (OK1FZM,cw/ssb) and A35OL (OK1WZM, ssb), Carrying 100W trx FT-897 and simple antenas (dipoles and vertical), we hope, that somebody will hear us :-), condx are not good in present time...
Couple days before and after we will be shortly active as VK2/home call from Sydney.

We hope to meet you on the bands! vy 73!
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Prispevkov: 19
Pridružen: 23 Okt 2003, 21:58
Kraj: Komiža , otok Vis

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