Swain's Island nova DXCC

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Swain's Island nova DXCC

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 23 Jul 2006, 08:21

Letos je pa pestro ..... :wink:

CUL Danilo, S50U

New DXCC Entity -- Swain's Island

Newington, Connecticut
July 22, 2006

For Immediate Release

With the addition of Section II, Criteria Rule 1c) to the Political Entity criteria, certain former separation entities may now qualify as Political Entities. One such entity has been determined to be American Samoa. American Samoa is now a Political Entity for DXCC purposes.
As a result of the reclassification of American Samoa, and upon the filing of a request and substantiating evidence, and with the concurrence of the
DXAC and the Awards Committee, Swain's Island has been added to the DXCC List.
Swain's Island, entity number 337, qualifies as the first separation entity from American Samoa, now a Political Entity. The distance between American Samoa and Swain's Island has been determined to be in excess of 350 km as required by DXCC Rules Section II, Paragraph 2, Section b). QSOs made with Swain's Island on or after 0001Z, July 22, 2006 will count for DXCC credit.
For additional information, including the DXCC Reference Number for Swain's Island, contact Bill Moore at the DXCC Desk, dxcc@arrl.org.
As expected, the UN General Assembly, after last week's recommendation by the Security Council, decided today to admit The Republic of Montenegro to the United Nations, adding this entity to the United Nations List of Member States.
According to the ARRL DXCC List Criteria, Entities listed on the UN List of Member States qualify as Political Entities on the List. Therefore, effective June 28, 2006 (UTC), ARRL has added The Republic of Montenegro to the DXCC List.
QSOs made on or after this date will count for DXCC credit. Claims for DXCC credit will be accepted immediately. See http://www.arrl.org for additional details.

Wayne Mills, N7NG/1, Manager
Membership Services Department
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Re: Swain's Island nova DXCC

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 24 Jul 2006, 21:32

S50U napisal/-a:Letos je pa pestro ..... :wink: New DXCC Entity -- Swain's Island

Huh se jim pa mudi ... že jutri mogoče odrinejo proti KH8SI .. 8)

CUL, Danilo S50U

>>> KH8SI * Swains Island <<<
Swains Island has been added to the DXCC list as current entity #337 and contacts made with it on or after 00.01 UTC, July 22, 2006 will count for DXCC credit. The first operation from this new DXCC Entity will be conducted by Kan (JA1BK), Uti (KS6FO), Paul (F6EXV), John (K1ER), Tets (AH7C) and John (K8YSE) under the callsign KH8SI. The plan is to leave Pago-Pago on 25 or 27 July and to be on the air (SSB and CW on 17-160 metres) for 3-4 days. QSL via JA1BK.
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OdgovorNapisal/-a s57l » 25 Jul 2006, 14:19


no ja nic cudnega, ce samo pomislimo kaj vse so poskusali ze pri zadnji kh8si ekspediciji, da bi bla svoja dxcc... pa ni slo in so spremenili pravila za dxcc entity... na poti na swains so trenutno aktivni iz ameriske samoe, zal bolj v turisticnem stilu. verjetno bo taka tudi kh8si. obljubljajo aktivnost ze za vikend. kolk je prva nova lahka za poklofat tolk bo druga verjetno tezja.

pa srecno v pileupih!

janko s57l
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