5 MHz (60m) HAM eksperiment

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5 MHz (60m) HAM eksperiment

OdgovorNapisal/-a s56al » 06 Avg 2002, 07:16

Sporocilo o dodelitvi petih 3kHz sirokih kanalov v 60m frekv. podrocju GB amaterjem za poskusno obratovanje (predvidoma 4 leta) je skopirano z uradnih RSGB spletnih strani. Iz drugih virov se da razbrati, da je predvideni nacin dela USB.

The 'Fivemegs Experiment' is Under Way

You are reminded that the 'Fivemegs Experiment' has now begun. The RSGB announced last week that permission had been granted by the MOD and the RA for the allocation of five spot frequencies in the 5250 to 5450kHz band. The frequencies will be made available in the form of 3-kHz bandwidth channels by way of a Notice of Variation to the amateur radio licence. As this is a controlled experiment, applicants will be required to report their findings and results to the RSGB. The RSGB is tasked with providing both the RA and the MOD with reports on findings as the experiment progresses. It was expected that the first NOVs would be issued by the RA on or around the 1st of August. Full licence holders interested in taking part in the experiment can obtain an application form and further details from RSGB HQ, via the RSGB website, or by e-mail from: ar.dept@rsgb.org.uk

The purpose of the experiment is to carry out propagation and antenna investigations aimed at improving the understanding of NVIS propagation. The frequencies assigned are 5260, 5280, 5290, 5400 and 5405kHz and it is anticipated that the experiment will run for a period not exceeding four years.

Charles Harpole, K4VUD, one of the permitted operators of the American WA2XSY 5MHz-band test stations, would like to try trans-Atlantic contacts on the band. He invites UK stations holding the necessary Notice of Variation to contact him to set up a 'sked'. Charles says that the 5260kHz channel would be the best frequency for him. He is available for all times and days until the 20th of August. Charles's e-mail address is: k4vud@hotmail.com
Prispevkov: 799
Pridružen: 03 Jul 2001, 01:00
Kraj: JN66SI

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