Nova verzija Logger32 ver.3.17

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Nova verzija Logger32 ver.3.17

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 29 Jan 2009, 10:47

Danes je ojavljena nova verzija Logger32 ver 3,17. Prevod bo pripravljen v nekaj dneh in ga boste lahko naložili iz običajne Logger WEB strani.Spodaj so navedene spremembe v novi verziji:

Release change notes for Ver 3.17.0 as of....... 25 Jan 2009

New Language file required

1) If the mode as depicted in the Log Input window is controlled by
radio then:
a) If the radio is on FSK this will default to an operating mode of RTTY
b) If the radio is on a non ADIF defined mode and there is no mapping to
an ADIF defined mode in Logger32, an error/warning message is generated.

[The change was actually made in 3.16.0 and not reported as it was a last minute

2) New radio type 'PowerSDR' added to the list of supported radios.

3) UP arrow key should will backtab (same as SHIFT_TAB).

4) The internet lookup capability has been removed.

5) The QSL_VIA field size has been fixed at 50 characters. Anything longer is

6) The Elecraft K3 is now supported by the DVK

7) The callsign "bookmark" will now correctly show the true RF freq of afsk
stations if the sound card is open and the option to adjust the dx spot for
audio freq offset is selected.

8) The procedure for the saving of ADIF logs has been change slightly to
overcome the possible danger of recording a blank file under certain

9) The capability to double click on a DX Spot in the Telnet Window (to have
the same effect as clicking on a DX Spot in the DX Spot Window) has been added.
For the double click on a DX Spot to work, the line must be in DX Spot format
(must start with 'DX de ').

10) The coding for the LPT port has been change slightly to allow for an
extended range of addresses.

11) SO2R - frequency ribbon in the SO2R soundcard window now functioning
( for SO2R only at the moment - NOT for SO2V), including some additions to
the radio set up and radio debug windows to match.

12) It is believed that the dreaded "Failed to invoke......" message received
by some when opening up the MMTTY section of the soundcard has at LONG last
been overcome.....

13) The radio debug window has been enhanced.

14 The radio type is now included as part of the Soundcard window header line.

Here's the changes in version 3.17.0 Countries Database.

a. YN2 is "Nicaragua - Granada"
b. Specific callsign GB5ONG is Wales, GW
c. Specific callsign TO4IPA is Reunion Island, FR
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

Re: Nova verzija Logger32 ver.3.17

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 29 Jan 2009, 16:49

Slovenski prevod menijev je že naložen na Logger32 WEB. Po prenosu morate datoteko preimenovati v 1060.dll sicer stvar ne bo delovala!

Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

Re: Nova verzija Logger32 ver.3.17-napaka v prevodu

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 29 Jan 2009, 18:17

Med obdelavo prevoda je prišlo do napake pri prenosu datoteke, tako da prihaja do Run-time error '395' napake če se z miško približate pozivnemu znaku v DXspot oknu se pojavi omenjena napaka, pri čemer Logger32 zmrzne in se zapre.
Prosim, počakajte s prenosom dokler Prasad VU2PTT ne naloži popravljene verzije. Vsem se opravičujem za napako!
Če kdo želi imeti pravilno datoteko naj me kontaktira po E-maili.

Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

Re: Nova verzija Logger32 ver.3.17-popravek

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 29 Jan 2009, 19:53

Nova verzija prevoda je že naložena na WEB pod imenom Odzipano preimenujetev 1060.dll.
Če opazite napake v prevodu ali predlagate boljše izraze ali stavčne zveze vam bom za predloge zelo hvaležen. Posredujte mi jih na PM ali moj E-mail!

Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

Re: Nova verzija Logger32 ver.3.17

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 03 Feb 2009, 21:11

Izgleda, da ta verzija nima sreče. Nekateri imajo težave z 1060.dll datoteko, ki jo naložijo z WEB-a. Očitno je nekaj narobe s samo datoteko. Če ima še kdo težave naj mi javi, da mu datoteko pošlem po E-mailu.

Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

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