Nova verzija Logger32 - ver. 3.7.0

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Nova verzija Logger32 - ver. 3.7.0

OdgovorNapisal/-a S53U » 30 Jul 2007, 18:09

Izšla je nova verzija programa logger32, verzija 3.7.0.


1) There was a bug in the code (now fixed) where if using language DLLs the
"Show 0 for zero" menu item was not shown correctly.

2) Support added for SAT_MODE, SAT_NAME and PROP_MODE fields when using the
clipboard to transfer info from an external application.

3) The number of macro buttons selected in the Sound Card Data Window were
not being remembered correctly in ver3.6.0. Bug corrected.

4) Following a KEPS update the initial predicted track for the selected
satellite was not being refreshed correctly.
Bug corrected.

5) When clicking on a spot in the DX Cluster window, the spot is loaded into
the Log Entry window and focus is automatically returned to the Log Entry
window. The same thing now happens when using the mouse in the great circle
projection to rotate the beam.

6) When Logger32 is booted, the focus should be on the Callsign field of the
Logbook Entry Window (no matter if the MDI Form is visible or not). By
typing FIND<ENTER> following a boot, the MDI Form is commanded to an X,Y
location of 0,0. This facility has been introduced so that the main MDI
form can be located if it was off screen for any reason.

7) The distance measurement for the satellite tracking now follows the
preferred distance unit selection.

8) Corrected a minor bug where the previous QSO window would not "follow"
whether there was an equals sign "=" after the call that is entered in the
Log Entry window.

9) The DVK has been enhanced to support the triggering of messages stored
under the microHam router software.
This ONLY applies to those microHam units that have a DVK ability. For new
DVK option, on the DVK Window click CONFIG | MACRO SETUP

10) Code added to support Icom radios that have DATA on/off capability. New
option to enable/disable this is added to the Radio configuration Window.
If the option is enabled the command sequence to QSY and Icom is FREQ, MODE,
DATA and FREQ. If the option is disabled the command sequence is FREQ MODE
FREQ. If the transmission mode (derived from the BandPlan) is digital DATA
will be set on, otherwise DATA will be set off.

Digital modes are defined in Logger32 by clicking TOOLS | DATABASE

11) The strobe line on the parallel port (used in the cw keyer and the
antenna selector) is now forced to a permanent low when Logger32 opens.

12) An additional information window added to show 425DX calendar
information in a similar way to the recently introduced iota window. See
new options under the UTILITIES menu. Because of this change, new language
files will be required.
Zadnjič spremenil S53U, dne 12 Dec 2007, 09:04, skupaj popravljeno 3 krat.
73 de S53U (exS53QD), Branko.
Prispevkov: 66
Pridružen: 13 Nov 2003, 12:59
Kraj: Janžev vrh

Nova verzija

OdgovorNapisal/-a S53U » 14 Avg 2007, 10:20

Spet nova verzija Logger32.
73 de S53U (exS53QD), Branko.
Prispevkov: 66
Pridružen: 13 Nov 2003, 12:59
Kraj: Janžev vrh

Re: Nova verzija

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50U » 14 Avg 2007, 12:25

S53QD napisal/-a:Spet nova verzija Logger32.

Branko TNX info vseeno bi bilo dobro prebrati kaj nam nova verzija prinaša to pa je zapisano v changes.txt datoteki. CUL Danilo, S50U

Release change notes for Ver 3.5.0

1) A few problems were experienced starting up the new version of Logger32(3.4.0).
MMVariSoundcardMacro.ini was not saving changes (if the file was initially empty
or not present). Bug cleared and ver3.4.3 put on the reflector.

2) Using a serial WINkey, if one was sending a CW message by a Macro and ESCed
out of it before completion, hitting the same or another macro key would not
send it's message the first time it was hit. A second hit was required to send
the macro. Bug cleared

3) RX window now cleared when changing between MMVARI and MMTTY.

4) The MMVARI transmit audio output level has been cranked up.

5) The MMVARI receive spectrum/waterfall made more sensitive and similar to

6) MMTTY SO2R font was not being remembered corectly. Bug cleared.

7) Lat/long export(see file|export|adif)

8 ) Change made so that when the MMTTY SO2R Window is opened a warning message
is generated if the user has not setup a MMTTY SO2R directory. To see this in
action, before opening the sound card data window, edit the Logger32.ini section
[RTTY]. Remove the line Path to SO2R MMTTY=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the warning will be
shown when the MMTTY SO2R Window is opened.

9) MMTTY now reports to Logger32 (through the XMMR OCX) if/when it has changed
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S50CLX Cerkno LinuX dx cluster
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verzija 3.6.0.

OdgovorNapisal/-a S53U » 02 Nov 2007, 18:32

nova verzija, ops
73 de S53U (exS53QD), Branko.
Prispevkov: 66
Pridružen: 13 Nov 2003, 12:59
Kraj: Janžev vrh

nova verzija loggerja 3.7.0

OdgovorNapisal/-a S53U » 12 Dec 2007, 09:07

Upam da z SLO menujem Polde.
73 de S53U (exS53QD), Branko.
Prispevkov: 66
Pridružen: 13 Nov 2003, 12:59
Kraj: Janžev vrh

Nova verzija Logger32 ver. 3.7

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 12 Dec 2007, 11:40

Danes je bila naložena nova verzija Logger32 ver. 3.7.
Najbolj zanimiva je sigurno novost:
- prikaz aktivnosti na IOTA področju
- prikaz aktivnosti na DXCC področju

Sedaj dostopate do teh opcij preko Utility (Uporabniški programi) in nato izberete IOTA ali DXCC.

Nova verzija prevoda je že poslana VU2PTT, da jo naloži na WEB.

Pojavila se je manjša napaka pri prikazu razdalje do DX postaje, prikaz v km ne dela, v miljah dela OK. popravek bo sigurno v dnevu ali dveh!

Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

Logger32 ver 3.7.4

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 13 Dec 2007, 10:41

Napaka je odpravljena z novo verzijo Logger32 ver 3.7.4 in jo lahko naložite na strani . Slovenski prevod za to verzijo
je že tudi na tej strani pod Support Files.

Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50DX » 14 Dec 2007, 08:13

A je tudi pri tej verzije treba še vedno pisati State in County v isti vrstici? :roll:

Imam ADIF kateri ima ločen state in county. Npr:


Tole mi Logger enostavno ignorira in vrže celo vrstico ven kot napako. :evil:
In potem bi moral vse USAte ročno pretipkavat v log?!

Če pa je ADIF sestavljen takole, pa ga normalo prežveči:


Ali pa mogoče kje obstaja kakšno orodje, da preuredim County v obliko,
da bo Logger32 zadovoljen, jst pa tudi?! :-?

Lpa.- 8)
73's de Alex / JN76LN \ Prevalje
PODXS 070 # 173 - EPC # 0066
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Prispevkov: 464
Pridružen: 23 Apr 2003, 13:46
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Vnašanje Stata in County

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 14 Dec 2007, 09:49

Kje si našel te probleme?
Poskusil sem vse možne vnose, pa stvar dela tako kot je napisano.
V Entry window vneseš v Primary: State v Sekundarni: County.
Dodajanje QSO-jev v za to predvideno okno pa imaš celo t.i. padajoče menije s State in County, tako da ne moreš zgrešiti?
Kako pa ti vpisuješ QSO-je?
Pa še to: Teh informacij se ne da popravljati v dnevnikovi vrstici ampak s klikom na QSO v dnevniku dobiš meni in klikneš v predzadnjo vrstico za urejanje teh stvari, nekaj takega kot velja za urejanje DXCC držav!

Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50DX » 14 Dec 2007, 10:44

Polde, hvala za odgovor.

Jst imam trenutno cel dnevnik v drugem programu, katerega redno uporabljam.
V tem programu tudi naredim izvoz podatkov v ADIF. Ko pa hočem te podatke
počrpati v Logger32, pa se začnejo kolobocije.

Razliko v ADIF zapisu pa sem opisal zgoraj, kaj dobim iz mojega programa in kaj hoče Logger.... :-?

Upam, da je sedaj bolj jasno napisano kaj me muči.. :D

Še 1x hvala

Lpa.- 8)
73's de Alex / JN76LN \ Prevalje
PODXS 070 # 173 - EPC # 0066
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 464
Pridružen: 23 Apr 2003, 13:46
Kraj: Prevalje

Zapis za State in County

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 14 Dec 2007, 15:21

Alex, izgleda da ima Logger32 pravo obliko. Pogledal sem LoTW raport, ki je v ADIF in ima ravno tako obliko:


Zakaj potem ne pišeš direktno v Logger32?

Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

Re: Zapis za State in County

OdgovorNapisal/-a S50DX » 14 Dec 2007, 16:27

OK.. Potem je pa že zadnji čas, da zamenjam SW.

Zakaj ne tipkam direkt v Logger?
Za pretipkavanje 20k QSOtov bi bilo potrebno preveeeeeč časa... :lol:


Lpa.- 8)
73's de Alex / JN76LN \ Prevalje
PODXS 070 # 173 - EPC # 0066
Uporabniški avatar
Prispevkov: 464
Pridružen: 23 Apr 2003, 13:46
Kraj: Prevalje

OdgovorNapisal/-a s57u » 14 Dec 2007, 18:14

Ne ostane ti drugega kot poiskati SW, ki ti bo pravilno oblikoval LOG za izvoz v pravi ADIF2 obliki, morda bi se kaj našlo v BV od DF3CB!


Polde, S57U
Prispevkov: 125
Pridružen: 13 Feb 2006, 22:08

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