Vse o CTEST in LOG programih ter pripadajoči tehniki

Moderator: s52aa


OdgovorNapisal/-a s57ay » 26 Dec 2016, 11:22

Kako nastaviti generiranje raporta za RAEM kontest.
Za moj primer naj bi izgledal takole:
Serijska št. zveze in geografske koordinate
TT1 46N 14O za prvo zvezo. ali pa
001 46N ...... itd.
Raje TT1 kot 001

Vprašanje za poznavalca verjetno lahko rešljivo, zame problem.

Hvala za pomoč

73 Ted
Prispevkov: 63
Pridružen: 08 Dec 2003, 10:44


OdgovorNapisal/-a s51fb » 26 Dec 2016, 11:46

Ted pozdravljen

Najenostavneje je, da se prepustiš N1MM+ programu saj je vsaj meni program sam ponudil pravo obliko raporta. Seveda sem ob tem popravil podatke o lokaciji z dejanskimi koordinatami.

Drugače pa je oblika raporta: # 46N14O (za Ljubljano).


Miha, S51FB

- za vsak slučaj, RAEM 2016 tekmovanje je vsaj po podatkih s te spletne strani http://raem.srr.ru/en/2016-rules/ preteklost
Prispevkov: 124
Pridružen: 14 Avg 2006, 13:06


OdgovorNapisal/-a s55o » 26 Dec 2016, 14:17

Če odstraniš presledke v raportih, bo vse v redu. Enaki problem imajo tudi drugi, ker imajo presledke v raportih.

http://n1mm.hamdocs.com/tiki-index.php? ... CW_contest

Window: Select Log type
Log Type: RAEM
Mode Category: CW (it is a CW only contest)
Sent Exchange: 001 & Coordinates Example: 001 53N6O
The own coordinates is the second token in Sent Exchange without spaces (one 'word')

Coordinate rules: These rules apply for the 'Sent Exchange' and also when entering a coordinate in the Entry Window.

Own coordinates: Second token in Sent Exchange without spaces (one 'word')
First part is the Longitude with at the end N or S Example: 53N
Second part is the Latitude with at the end W or O (not E) Example: 6O
As a total this makes: 53N6O

Log and rescore: To generate the log use the Generic log file and the Score summary. Always rescore and check the log. If a qso has 1 point then the Received exchange is not correct. If there are QSOs who have gotten 2 points then your Sent Exchange is not correct. Update your Sent Exchange in the contest setup and rescore. Check again.

Call History: The call history can be used but... the coordinates have to be entered in the Name field of the Call History table. This is the only field which is capable of handling all different coordinates 1N2W but also 67N169O
Ex.S56WTT,S57WTT; All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
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OdgovorNapisal/-a s57ay » 27 Dec 2016, 08:16

Hvala obema za pomoč.

To sem uredil razen tega, da mi n1mm ne generira raport 001 .....(kordinate)
ampak samo 1 .....
Tudi v drugih kontestih pošiljam raport za prvo zvezo 5nn1. ne spominjam se kdaj sem tako nastavil.
Želel bi 5NNTT1 in 5NNTT2 .....

Lep pozdrav vsem.

HNY 2017 Ted
Prispevkov: 63
Pridružen: 08 Dec 2003, 10:44


OdgovorNapisal/-a s50xx » 27 Dec 2016, 10:13

Config > Configure Ports, Mode Control, Audio, Other...
zavihek Function Keys
prva opcija (kljukica) Send leading zeros in serial numbers

Kristjan, S50XX
Prispevkov: 210
Pridružen: 10 Sep 2002, 18:53
Kraj: Vogrsko


OdgovorNapisal/-a s57ay » 27 Dec 2016, 12:14

Deluje vse OK.

73 Ted
Prispevkov: 63
Pridružen: 08 Dec 2003, 10:44

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